Warcraft South Park: Make love, not Warcraft

AW: South Park: Make love, not Warcraft

Am besten ist immer noch die Stelle: "But... my kids are playin' right now!"
"I dont think they have a chance..."
"NOOOOO, they just started!!!"
AW: South Park: Make love, not Warcraft

Am besten ist immer noch die Stelle: "But... my kids are playin' right now!"
"I dont think they have a chance..."
"NOOOOO, they just started!!!"
Du meintest sicher:
Make Love schrieb:
Jim: I've got to get home! My kids are playing World of Warcraft right now!
Rob Pardo: Jim, your kid's characters are already dead.
Jim: No... NOOOOO!!!

Die Folge kommt morgen auf MTV.
Make Love schrieb:
Cartman: If you had a chance right now to go back in time and stop Hitler, would you do it? I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he was awesome, but you would, right?
Clyde: I'm just going to stop playing.
Cartman: When Hitler rose to power, there were a lot of people who just
stopped playing. You know who those people were? The French. Are you
French, Clyde?
Clyde: No...
Cartman: Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, Clyde?

Oder auch:
Make Love schrieb:
Cartman: Mam, Bathroom.
Cartman' s Mom: What, Hon?
Cartman: Bathroom.... BATHROOM.
AW: South Park: Make love, not Warcraft

Die folge war sau geil und das schlimme ist ich kannte einen der war so wie dieser obergamer (vielleicht ist er es ja noch). :)
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