Solomon Kane [Solomon Kane/POTSM] Weird Science und anderer kleinerer Magiekram


t. Sgeyerog :DDDDD
10. September 2003
Ich schraube weiter an einem POTSM-Abenteuer, und so wie es aussieht wird darin weirde Federwerk-Technik vorkommen. Wäre kein Beinbruch wenn ich Standard-Arcane-Backgrounds benutzen würde und einfach Weird Science reinflanschen würde. Allerdings nutze ich stattdessen die aus Solomon Kane. Langsam gewirktes, rituelles Teufelswerk ohne Feuerbälle und Heilsprüche passt da IMHO einfach besser rein als der Wald&Wiesen-Kampfmagier aus den Core Rules.

Anbei daher mein Versuch, die Weird-Science-Eigenheiten und die Eigenheiten der SK-Magie unter einen Hut zu bekommen. Ich erbitte da schärfstens Kommentare und Bissattacken aus dem Pitbullzwinger, gerne auch in wohldosierten GROSSBUCHSTABEN.

Wo ich schon in Fahrt war, habe ich auch noch anderen kleineren Magiekram, den ich für POTSM mit SK-Magie ausgetüftelt habe, beigefügt. Wenn es dazu auch Kommentare gibt, fein. Meine Hauptsorge ist aber die Weird Science.

Arcane Background (Rationalism)
Arcane Skill: Ratio (Smarts)
Starting Powers: 1

Power List:
  • Animate Hand (Frankenstein electricity, Herbert West injections)
  • Armor (primitive mechanized armor)
  • Barrier (sliding walls)
  • Boost/Lower Trait (potions)
  • Curse (poison)
  • Deflection (pneumatic gusts, rotating pendulums)
  • Elemental Manipulation (only Fire (chemical reaction) and Air (pneumatics))
  • Entangle (pneumatic grapple gun)
  • Environmental Protection (potions)
  • Fear (screamer missiles, "Hellfire" chemicals)
  • Fly (flight machines)
  • Invisibility (potions)
  • Light (chemicals)
  • Obscure (smoke bombs)
  • Slumber (stunning gas)
  • Smite (vibrating clockwork swords)
  • Summon Beast (beast-like automata – doesn't require Beast Friend and adds monstrous ability Construct, but fixed to a particular beast/group of beasts)
  • Viper Weapon (clockwork serpent – loses Venom, but gains Construct)
  • Withering Curse (poison)
  • Zombie (Frankenstein electricity, Herbert West injections)

Rather than to believe in or even rely on superstition and fairy tales, these men (and women) of science believe in reason and progress. Their materialistic views sharply limit the powers they may develop in comparison to actual magicians, especially the more esoteric ones. However, not tapping into the powers of darkness also means that their setbacks aren't as severe.
Clockwork mechanics are the key technology of their day, particularly the development of automatons, and thus the most popular trapping. However, they also don't shy off from chemistry, study pneumatics (the vacuum pump was invented in 1650) and make first ventures in electricity. (It was in 1780 that Galvan discovered that dissected frogs contract their muscles when electrified – the discovery that inspired Frankenstein.)

Ready Devices: Unlike supernatural powers, gizmos only require a few last-minute adjustments. A Rationalist who prepares a power reduces the casting modifier by 2 per turn (instead of 1). However, after one use the device needs to be recharged (pressuring air, mixing new chemicals, winding up clockworks etc.), requiring Casting Modifier x10 rounds (with a minimum of 5 rounds) of active recharge work before the power can be re-activated at all.
Arcane Skill/Using gizmos: Like Weird Science, some usages, trappings and gizmos may require other skills as Shooting or Fighting.
New powers: As Weird Science, each new power represents a new gizmo.
Sharing: Like Weird Science, Rationalist gizmos may be shared with others.
Losing devices: Lost devices follow the same rules and guidelines as Weird Science.
Malfunction: On a failure, the device suffers a minor malfunction and can't be used until repaired (3d6 minutes).
On a 1 on his Ratio die (regardless of wild die), the device completely breaks down and forces the Rationalist to construct a new one (2d6 hours).

Rationalism Edges

Clockwork Servant
Seasoned, AB (Rationalism), Repair d8+
Power Edge

You have managed to create a clockwork automaton that is able to act on its own for prolonged time.

The automaton is an Extra. For a humanoid automaton, use the Soldier stats, change Smarts to Smarts (A) and add the monstrous ability Construct.
Your GM may also allow animal shapes or even weirder shapes – pick a fitting beast from the bestiary, and use the changes to the stats above as guidelines.

If your Clockwork Servant gets destroyed or lost, you can build a new one within 2d6 days. You may only have one Clockwork Servant at any given time.

There are also occassional rumours of more cunning clockwork servants of human intelligence, and of undead servants created with electricity… However, playing God rarely works in the favour of the inventor, and many of them end up backstabbed by their ungrateful creations. These things are rather adventure material, than things sane PCs should want to dabble in.

(Ein einfacher Umlackierjob für Beast Master. Ranganforderung wurde wegen der monstrous ability Construct auf Seasoned erhöht.)

See SW core rules, but replace Weird Science with Rationalism. The Gadget receives no power points, but breaks down automatically after the first usage (staying only active for long enough carry out its basic duration if used successfully).

Mister Fix-It
See SW core rules, but replace Weird Science with Rationalism.

(Beides selbsterklärend.)

Other arcane edges

Dabbler in the Dark Arts
Novice, may not have any AB
Professional Edge

Whether you have read books about Things Man Was Not Meant To Know, have been shown a trick by an old gypsy, or are a scientist who made a single extraordinary invention, you have picked up a single power and know how to use it.

Choose a tradition (Shamanism, Sorcery or Rationalism), and a single power of your own rank or lower from its list.
To use the power, roll Spirit if the trapping is shamanistic, else use Smarts.
The casting modifier of that power is doubled (or -1 if the modifier is 0).
You may not learn additional powers, nor any power edges (but Ritual Magic and Ritual Doll).

If you ever learn an Arcane Background, it has to follow the same tradition as your Dabbler Edge, and you have to pick your Dabbler power as a starting power. Moreover, your Dabbler Edge gets discarded without any refunds.

(Angelehnt an "Wild Talent" im Fan-Süpplemang "Beyond The Veil".
Das Edge ist vor allem für den Gebrauch in PotSM gedacht, wo eine weise Frau vielleicht weiß wie man Leute verflucht, oder ein verrückter Erfinder eine Flugmaschine und sonst nichts besitzt, ohne dass sie gleich so gut aufgestellt wären wie die ausgewiesenen Zauberer in SK.)

Novice, Smarts d6+, Spirit d8+, Guts d6+, Knowledge (Religion) d6+, Notice d6+, must speak Latin, must not have any AB or the Dabbler Edge
Professional Edge

The character is a trained Exorcist. Most are ordained members of the Catholic church, although Protestant priests and even simple men of faith taking the fight to the demons aren't unheard of either. (There may be non-Christian variations of this that use slightly different requirements.)

Exorcists are allowed to make Notice rolls when they get within 10'' of a magical effect or a magical creature. With a success, they notice the presence of something unholy nearby and can pin-point the source.

Once they know the source, they can perform an exorcism ritual to purge the presence. This requires 5 combat rounds, during which time the Exorcist may only move at his basic pace. At the end of the ritual, he spends a Bennie and makes an opposed roll of his Spirit against the caster's Arcane Skill (if dispelling a spell) or the creature's Spirit (if targeting a creature). Against summoned creatures, it's always the creature's Spirit that gets used. If successful, the spell is dispelled or the creature banished.
Supernatural creatures native to earth are instead panicked for 1d6 hours, and may afterwards re-enter the area one mile around the place of exorcism with a raise on a Spirit roll. The GM may apply this also to certain creatures curse-bound to earth, like Ghost Ship Captains – it takes more than a bit of incense to get rid of such a strong curse.

(Noch ein Edge, das vor allem für POTSM gedacht ist. In SK wäre jedes göttliche Geschenk, das über den Zorn der Gerechten hinausgeht wahrscheinlich deplaziert.)

Fortune Teller
Novice, Spirit d8+
Weird Edge

Some people are gifted with supernatural insights.

The character may spend a benny and ask three questions about the past, present or future. The question has to be answerable with Yes, No or Maybe. (So you can ask "Is Verdugo currently in Caracas?" or "Is it my death Blackbeard wants from me?", but you may not ask "Where is Verdugo?" or " it that Blackbeard wants from me?".)

Each question, the player draws a card, with the following effects:
Black: The GM has to tell the truth.
Red: The GM is allowed to lie (but not required to).
Joker: The GM has to tell the truth, and the player may ask an additional question.

(Mit kleineren Modifikatoren aus dem Wilden Aventurien entnommen. Ich klaue nur von den besten :p)

Ritual Magician
Novice, AB or Dabbler in the Dark Arts (Shamanism or Sorcery)
Professional Edge

You can increase the duration of your spells by using more preparation.

The time increments for preparing the spell are increased, depending on the duration increment the magician aims for.

Ritual Duration => Spell Duration
(Casting Modifier) Minutes => Hours
(Casting Modifier) Hours => Days
(Casting Modifier) Days => Weeks

A magician wishing to extend the duration must spend at least one time increment preparing. (For instance, casting Speak Language (CM 0) for a duration of 1 week/rank still requires the caster to spend at least a day with his ritual.)
As with normal casting, he doesn't have to spend all the time increments with preparation, and can opt for a Casting Modifier penalty instead.

If the spell is successful, it is bound into a physical focus. The magician has to wear this focus on his skin. Removing it temporarily halts the spell, while destroying it dispels it completely. The spell may also be dispelled by slaying the caster. Dispel may be used, but suffers a penalty of -4.

A caster may only have one extended spell at any given time. If he wants to cast another while an old spell is still active, he needs to destroy the focus first.

Fatigue rules apply as usual – yes, your wizard who wishes to cast a ritual for three straight days will have to check for Hunger, Thirst and Sleep quite a few times. Any Fatigue that gets suffered requires a Smarts roll to keep up concentration, and affects the roll to cast the spell.

(Im wesentlichen eine Variante der Magical Curses im Horror-Toolkit. Ich habe das eingebaut, weil SK's rundenlange Sprüche mit minutenlangen Effekten ein guter Anfang für Ritualmagie sind, ich aber gerne gelegentlich mehr habe, ohne gleich die supertödliche und/oder superverkrüppelnde Curse- oder Withering-Curse-Keule auspacken zu müssen.

Die Beschränkung auf "immer nur ein verlängerter Zauber auf einmal" ist dazu da, um zu verhindern dass das Advancement-System durch Hamstern von Buffs wie Boost Trait ausgehebelt wird. Mit der Erfordernis eines eigenen Edges, den üblichen Risiken von SK-Magie sowie der Sperrung anderer Anwendungen wie langfristigen Flüchen bei "Missbrauch" für Buffs erscheint es mir als ganz balanciert gegenüber den Opportunitätskosten.)

Ritual Doll
Novice, Ritual Magician
Professional Edge

This Edge allows a magician to craft a replica of a specific person and channel spells into him or her no matter what the range.

All that is needed is that the caster has met the target (needs at least to have talked to it), and has an item belonging to the individual (a piece of jewelry, a snip of their hair, fingernail clippings, a tooth, etc.). These things are believed to contain “a piece of the spirit” and thus give the caster power over them. The caster must then make a Common Knowledge roll to construct the doll. He then performs a one hour ceremony and makes an Arcane Skill roll. If failed, the doll is ruined along with the item it contains.

If successful, the caster can use it to cast rituals on the subject without regard for the range of the spell. Any spell cast with Ritual Magic through a Ritual Doll only affects the target and does not have an area of effect. The doll has to be made the focus of the ritual and is ruined once the duration expires, requiring the caster to acquire new items.

The victim gets to make a Smarts roll. If successful, it gets a good picture of the caster (enough to recognize him if personally known) and some vague hints about his whereabouts. With a raise, it gets a good picture and learns exactly where he is at the time of the casting.

(Angelehnt an das Edge "Voodoo Doll" im Artikel "Savage Voodoo" in Sharkbytes 1-2.

Wesentliche Änderungen:
- etwas verknappte Puppenerschaffungsprozedur
- Anpassung an SK (keine Power Points)
- Erfordernis, das Ziel getroffen zu haben, Ruinierung der Puppe nach einem Zauber und Smartswurf für das Ziel, um zu erfahren, wer den Zauber gewirkt hat: Balancingmechanismus. Man kann sich nicht einfach eine Haarlocke schnappen und dann denjenigen lebenslänglich aus der Hecke beschießen, sondern muss sich gelegentlich auf die Socken machen, um persönlich Nachschub zu beschaffen, mit allen dazugehörigen Risiken und Gegenmaßnahmen des Ziels. Zudem besteht die Gefahr, vom Opfer erkannt zu werden, das sich dann wiederum auf die Socken machen kann um den feigen Heckenschützen zu Mus zu hauen, oder es auch nur an die Inquisition zu verpetzen.)
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