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Wenn Omni, dann bitte mit sinvollem Charakterbau-System. Kein Talislanta "Nimm einen Archetyp oder bau einfach wie du Bock hast, aber ganz ohne Rahmenbedingungen" Debakel.
Ich hoffe mal auf das Beste. Ich bin dem Omni System nicht abgeneigt, die Rahmenbedingungen sollten aber stimmen. Damals habe ich gehofft, dass ich die Charaktergenerierung aus "Atlantis" für Talislanta verwenden könnte, aber so richtig überzeugt hat mich das nicht.In der Richtung kann ich dich beruhigen...
Omni hat schon seit es offiziell "Omni" heisst (und nicht mehr Talislanta) ein ganz normales Point-Buy Charaktererschaffungssystem. Hellas hat zusätzlich dann noch einige Lifepaths, die der Charakter begeht nachdem er fertiggestellt wurde (d.h. Du generierst deinen Charakter ganz normal, und schaust dann was er so in seiner Jugend getrieben hat, für Extraboni).
Colin Chapman schrieb:It's a seriously simple and elegant system, and plays far more swiftly (and with fewer wrinkles) than d6, and I'm saying that as someone who loves the d6 system as well.
It originated in Talislanta waayyy back in the day, but was refined and streamlined when we were creating the 4th ed. of Talislanta.
The Tal4 Sampler contains pretty much all the rules, and can be freely downloaded HERE.
Here's the system in a nutshell, though:
Attributes are 0-Average. So, Joe Average has 0 for everything, Mr. Athletic might have Strength +1, Mr Power Lifter Str +5, Mr Puny McWeedy Str -2.
Okay. You now know how Attributes are presented.
These range from 1 on up according to just how skilled you are.
Everything is rolled using a single d20 and consulting the Action Table:
So, you want to pick a lock? Roll d20 + Dex + Pick Locks. Compare your total to the table. Partial Success only? Maybe you've heard a few positive clicks, and your next roll will get a bonus. Full Success? Wow, the lock opens. Critical Success? Maybe it opens, and you do it more swiftly than you thought possible. Failure? Damn lock is stubborn. Mishap? Maybe your pick broke in the lock, or you caused so much noise someone heard you?
And that is the Omni System. No, I'm not kidding, it really is that simple, and there are not a lot of extra modifiers, etc. to consider, no big lists of tactical crunch, or what have you.
The GM might assign a penalty or bonus to your roll for particularly difficult or easy actions.
Contested actions mean the characters gain a bonus/penalty equal to difference between the opponents' Attributes. Arm wrestling, when you have Str +2, and your opponent Str +3? He gets a +1 bonus to his roll, you suffer a -1 penalty. Highest roll wins.
You suffer a cumulative -5 penalty. Atack once? No penalty. Second time in same round? -5. Third time in same round? -10, etc.
You make a Contested Roll to hit your opponent.
Partial Success to hit? You do half damage.
Full Success? You do full damage.
Critical Success? You do full damage and they also suffer an appropriate disadvantage, such as being crippled.
Damage is a fixed value for the weapon + your Str. Subtract the value of any armour the opponent is wearing, subtract any remaining damage from their Hit Points.
Unlike rpgs such as D&D, Hit Points are not an ever-increasing pool. You survive for longer as you gain experience, because you get better with your skills, etc. Yes, it's a skill-based system.
There, you now know the Omni System.
Wie werden HitPoints dargestellt?Unlike rpgs such as D&D, Hit Points are not an ever-increasing pool. You survive for longer as you gain experience, because you get better with your skills, etc. Yes, it's a skill-based system.
Wenn das Omni-System wirklich so schön überschaubar ist, dann läßt es sich bestimmt mit wenig Aufwand herausschneiden und ein anderes Regelsystem ins hochinteressante Setting hineintransplantieren.Unsold.![]()
Bitte nicht!Warum eigentlich nicht Dual Stat?
Das wäre mir im Grunde ja auch lieber.KEIN Dual-Stat bitte. (Lieber gleich D6-Spielwerte.)
HELLAS has to be able to do space adventure. A lot of care went into creating unique ships for the game that feel authentically HELLAS. Bellow is the standard Hoplite Bireme. This model doesn’t have all the bells and whistles that a player could add with modifications.
Included below is a rough of what the ship will look like as well.
Maneuver (MAN)
Similar to DEX for a PC, MAN measures the maneuverability of a spacecraft or vehicle. MAN also affects a vehicles ability to avoid incoming attacks and is used as a modifier to some Pilot skill rolls.
Hull (HUL)
It is a measure of the durability and endurance of a vehicles hull or chassis.
Sensors (SEN)
SEN is a measure of a vehicles sensor ability.
Speed (SPD)
SPD measures the maximum velocity of a vehicle during combat or other tactical situations.
Acceleration (ACL)
ACL is a measure of the vehicle’s acceleration ability.
Deceleration (DCL)
DCL is a measure of the vehicle’s deceleration ability.
Slip Drive (SD)
The vehicles Slipspace Drive. The higher the rating the faster the ship may travel in Slipspace.
Size (SIZ)
All vehicles have a Size (SIZ) category that can play a part in combat and other maneuvers.
Hoplite Bireme
The Bireme is the workhorse of the Athenoi navy and functions as a civil and military craft in many different systems. The Bireme carries a complement of 50 marines and 1 flight of four space fighters.
MAN -2
HUL +5
SPD +30
ACL +5
DCL +5
SD 4
Scale: Capital
Crew: 150
Passengers: 175
Cargo: 20k tons.
Supplies: 40 weeks
Hit Points: 75
Armament: 10 Light Beam Cannons DR 13, 6 Turreted Light Pulse Laser DR 10, 2 Medium Disrupters DR 6, 1 Medium Tractor Beam STR +5, 2 Heavy Missile Racks with Light HE missiles DR15
Shields: Heavy Shield Generator PR 20
Cost: N/A
Below is a rough draft of one of the ships that will appear in HELLAS.
Athenoin Bireme Cruiser
Class: Athenoian Bireme Cruiser
Scale: Capital
Length: 250m
Crew: 150, minimum 45/+3
Passengers: 175 Hoplites
Cargo: 1500k tons
Slipspace Drive: 2
Maneuverability: +1D
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 330; 950 khp
Hull Points: 62
Shields: 12
Sensors: 1AU, +1D
Beam (x10)
Fire Arcort and Starboard (5 per side)
Crew: 3 each
Scale: Capital
Skill: gunnery.
Fire Control: +1D
Space Range: 2/6/13
Damage: 13
Pulse Laser (x6)
Fire Arc:Turret
Crew: 3 each
Scale: Fighter
Skill: gunnery
Fire Control: +1D
Space Range: 3/9/18
Damage: 10
Light Tractor Beam
Fire Arc:Fore
Crew: 3
Scale: Fighter
Skill: gunnery
Fire Control: +1D
Space Range: 2/6/13
Strength: 3D
Light Missile Rack
Fire Arc:Turret
Crew: 3
Scale: Capital
Skill: gunnery
Fire Control: +1D
Space Range: 2/6/13
Damage: 15 (light cluster missiles)
Crew Skill: Piloting 6D, ship systems 5D, navigation 6D, gunnery 5D, command 6D
There are 9 available player races
The Amazorans (a faction of the Zoran people who left to form their own civilization. Their names means Not Zoran)
The Goregons (Reptile humanoids from the planet Ceto, a planet so terrible 90% of all living things are poisonous in one way or another)
The Hellenes (a varied race who traveled to what is now Hellene space thousands of years ago after their home system of Thera went nova)
The Kyklopes (a tall ebon skinned race of thinkers, builders, and ascetics)
The Myrmidons ((insect colonies who ape Hellene culture)
The Nephelia (semi-intangible beings supposedlycreated by the gods)
The Nymphas (two races tied the earth and sometimes slaves to their, and others hedonistic pleasures)
The Zintar, (a race of cephalopods with cybernetic technology allowing them to interface with machinery and technology)
The Lamia
The lamia are a race of blood-drinking, four-limbed creatures found in the nether regions of Slipspace, where they are bred and herded by Atlanteans in numbers ranging from one to several dozen per cluster. Approximately the same size as small cats, they resemble nothing so much as infant girls with long, fleshy-colored tentacles where their limbs would normally be. Their distorted faces are capable only of a keening wail, a noise they make from the instant they spot a foe until that foe is dead. Upon spotting a target, they will converge in numbers and attack as one, clambering up onto their foe, latching on with the suckers on their tentacles, and biting with the large mouth that runs down the center of their chest, lapping up blood with multiple tongues.
The lamia are quick and difficult to hit, and are able to climb walls and other surfaces. They have been known to enter ships and climb into the ventilation systems or other conduits, where they will hide and sleep until they are awakened by noise or hunger.
INT +0 PER +0
WILL +4 CHA -6
STR +0 DEX +6
CON -3 SPD +8
Ability Level: 2–8
Attacks/Damage: Rending bite 5DR
Armor: None
Hit Points: 16
Hero Points: 0
Special Abilities:
Keening Cry: The cry of a lamia will drive men mad. The lamia can yell and affect everyone in the area. If successful in an opposed WIL roll, the opponent suffers a penalty of -2 from all actions. This is an automatic action and does not suffer a multi-action penalty
Fast Reaction: The lamia can react quickly to any situation. It may add a +2 bonus to any initiative
Festering Wound: The bite of the lamia will fester and rot if not seen to with proper medical care. Wounds need twice as much healing as a normal wound
Wall Climbing: The lamia can stick to almost any solid surface and moves at a normal rate, even when climbing straight up or upside-down
Weakness: (-3) Although lamia make a considerable amount of noise in combat they themselves hate loud noises. If they encounter loud noises the lamia must make a WIL roll versus the noisemaker’s intimidation skill. If they fail the roll they lose an action each round and suffer a multi-action penalty because of the distraction
Glory 5
Below is Iolaus, a Spartan and our first sample character. His abilities are presented here for the following example.
Hellene of Sparta
Epithet: Iron-armed Iolaus
Glory: 10
Age 29
Favored of Heuson
Profession: Spartan Hoplite
A young Spartan looking to avenge his people and to prove his name is worthy of immortality
INT +0 PER +1
WIL +0 CHA +0
STR +3 DEX +2
CON +2 SPD +0
CR +3 DYN -1
Hit Points: 31
Hero Points: 5
Brawl +3, Climb +1, Command +4, Etiquette (Hellene) +3, Evade +4, Intimidate +2, Lore (tactics) +2, Navigation +1, Pankration +2, Parry +6, Speak Language (Hellene, native) ,Stealth +1, Survival (Deserts) +2, Throwing +2, Weapon (Spear ) +7, Weapon (Rifle)+4, Weapon (blade, lg)+4, Profession (warrior, STR)+4
Advanced Military Training
Spartan tactical cuirass vest, Hoplon shield, father’s Spartan infantry spear, Spartan storm gun, military clothing, and 500dm
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