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[G-Men & Gangsters] Faction Pack #3: Rocket Rangers
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 19
Price: €3.14 (TAG Store), €3.65 (DriveThruRPG)
Patriotism takes many forms.
As the Gang Wars spiral out of control, the government in Washington unleashes its secret weapon. Men of valor equipped with experimental rocket packs, the Rocket Rangers stand ready to defend their nation from any threat.
Meanwhile, the Nazis are out to steal as much weird science as they can from the Americans. Unofficially, the Fuhrer sees the Gang Wars as an invaluable means for his beloved SS to gain vital combat experience while simultaneously furthering Germany’s scientific advancement.
This expansion contains background information, new Wild Card characters, additional troops, and sample army lists for the Rocket Rangers and Nazi Factions. Also included are two Ace Tales and two new vehicles—the heavyily armed and armored "Bombardier" and it's little brother, the "Baby Bombardier." Unit cards are provided for all new pedestrians and vehicles.