Sorry, dusting off this old thing...
So... my first year as a fulltime professor is over.... very fun and hardwork to boot. Add the long commute and my academic year flew by! Apologies to neglecting this blog too long.
In addition, this has meant little time for RedBrick stuff, but some... now, however, I'm gearing up and have already got enough I'm excited to talk about!
Before that, a brief jaunt into my other gaming hobby: Board Games! My new favorite (which I largely play solo) is Space Hulk: Death Angel the Card Game! Just an awesome thematic and puzzle-like experience! I even designed a BUNCH of new locations, terrains, and marine teams, building off and compiling the work of some others as well, as I mentioned in last blog post (...eons ago...). Now, I just posted my own Expansion to the game! I had never really gotten in Warhammer 40K much, but after reading a lot about the world, I'm definitely a fan, just not enough of you to go buy more stuff

. If you're interesting in any of the SHDA stuff I made (or compiled), go check out in the Files section for Space Hulk: Death Angel's board game page.
I've also become an accomplished player of Hive. I still have a lot to learn but I've logged nearly 700 games since December! I'm also in the annual Online Hive Tournament at I've never been a die-hard fan of abstracts, but this one really grabbed me and has helped me appreciate some others as well. Cheer me on as I try to get to Round 3!
I also had a lot of fun with Wrath of Ashardalon since my last post, although it hasn't seen as much table time as I'd like. Magnate, Dominion, Battle Line, and Defenders of the Realm have been enjoyed in games with my wife and I'm looking forward to getting Ghost Stories, 7 Wonders, and Eminent Domain (so glad I Kickstarted this!!!).
The last personal thing to mention is my wife and I are expecting our fifth child literally any day now (as her due date is in 4 days, as of time of writing). We're in for a surprise as well, as we decided to not check the gender. Also, we've had a new idea for a girl's name that's been fun to think about. Despite a few complications and scares (long story), things are going smoothly now, so we're excited! Keep your fingers crossed (or thumbs pressed for you Germans ;-)).
Now.... unto RedBrick! That's why you're here right?!
I just finished an editing pass on the English translation of
BARBARIANS! and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I thought the "slaying and screwing" focus would be too much for my tastes, but really liked the acting and tongue-in-cheek focus. The really conversational style (though hard to edit in some ways) made it quite a fun read. I also have ACDC's song THUNDERSTRUCK caught in my head now.... after one of the Barbarian "tricks" called Thunderstrike! Now where can I get a large battlexe... hrm... If you want a manly, gritty adventure through an intentionally exaggerated world of Barbarians, CHECK THIS OUT! ....which unfortunately may have to wait until after GenCon this year... :-( ....i.e., fourth quarter, but it's coming!
Just before that I did a character index for Nations of Barsaive 4 (aka "NoB4"), on the Crystal Raiders. I also included an index summarizing a lot about the Moots, as well as a listing of the Names of various Airships of those moots! I had never read the FASA version of this one, so it was a lot of fun to get more insight into the Crystal Raiders. Very well done book, with lots of great adventure and plot ideas. A troll campaign would be a lot of fun to run! Although, now I worry I'd add a little too much...
While I haven't done anything with it in a while, I was really excited to see Donovan's FIRST NOVEL published!!! When I editted and commented on it, it was called "Hand and Eye", but now you see it available under the title: "Defiler's Curse". The characters really grabbed me and their development was great, as were the twists in the plot! I can't wait to read the new version, as Donovan worked quite hard to rewrite large portions of it to tighten things up and improve them.
Two other old items are worth a brief mention. The Earthdawn Adventure Resource is now up to TEN free adventures. If you still have submissions for this, GET 'EM IN! I enjoyed taking part in the initial voting for prizes back in January/February, and have since been really pleased with the rest of the team's work on polishing these up and getting them posted. Bravo Dammi et al!! Also, an even bigger BRAVO to their respective authors, as the submissions here have been great! The other old item is Vampire City! This is being worked on by our tireless and brilliant artist Kathy, so hopefully it'll see the dark of night in game rooms near you! (Well before TOO long) I'm excited to see how this one is received as I think it can really shine in telling stories of intrigue cooperatively and head-to-head in a world of Vampires! (without needing a GM!) I also just re-watched Blade 2 last week, so that helps the enthusiasm there!
Work also continues (though none of my own) on Hank Woon's adventure set in Landis, Grinder's secret project which may or may not involve a city in Barsaive..., and another project covering another set of "Nations" in Barsaive (and possibly a touch beyond).
And lastly, there's been a lot of activity with Equinox, though I hope it picks up even more this summer.... I know I'm gearing up to work a lot on it, as I have the summer off! Dammi has been cranking out versions of the rules that are looking GREAT, for: Paths (i.e. a more freeform analogue to "Disciplines", emphasis on freeform), Powers (with some really cool stuff members of each Path can do!), Advancement, and Ship/Vehicle rules. He's working on Character Creation now, and things are really coming together nicely! Jeremiah and Dammi have been hiding away scheming on a new tone for some of the Gamemaster advice sections and finally unveiled it to the rest of the team. Hopefully you'll be as entertained as we were by the snarky tone Jeremiah employs for what otherwise could have been a boring section. They really pull it off with STYLE! I'm dusting off my notes and old starts and stops on that Mystic Energy chapter I mentioned long ago and hope to really get typing away starting... TODAY! Now that I've finished...
THUNDER! (gah... still in there....) BARBARIANS!
Fading Suns 3E also is apparently hopping along. Although, that's out of sight for me. Maybe, just maybe I'll get to crack a copy open at...
So... I'm STOKED about going to GenCon again. This'll be my second year (last year was my first) and I can't wait! I hope to get into an Earthdawn game with generics, as last year I was running around too much and this year the games sold out QUICK! I'm also hoping to spend some of my time off this summer preparing to RUN an extra pick up game of Earthdawn! If I do, I've got one seat reserved for a particular hard-working GM who'll be there

. I'm also excited to try out Conquest of Nerath and help playtest some new Dragon Dice stuff, in addition to playing Puerto Rico in person for the first time (I'm pretty good online, but we'll see how badly I get my butt kicked there). Also, James and Dawn will be there, of course, as well as one of our almost locals (i.e. Chicago) on the dev team, and it'll be great to catch up with them in person as well. Lastly, I'm looking forward to Sunday there and the Christian's Gamers' Guild as it was a great worship service last year!
Let me know if you have any questions. I love to know people actually read these ;-P.
Raven signing out!
"You've been THUNDERSTRUCK!"