Rite Publishing
Wie ich berichtet habe ist Fred Hicks von Evil Hat hinter Amber her welches Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing nutzt. Genau um dieses System geht es heute. Denn Rite Publishing, welche bisher Produkte für Pathfinder und Monte Cooks Arcana Evolved veröffentlichten planen im Zuge ihres Patronage Projekts unter Lizenz von Diceless by Design ein Rollenspiel unter Verwendung von Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing zu schreiben. Dabei werden die Regeln unangetastet bleiben allerdings wird das Rollenspiel vor einem neuen nich-generischen hintergund spielen. Dazu im Detail:
Rite Publishing to produce
Powered by Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing
patronage project
Rite Publishing to produce Powered by Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing patronage project
April 19th, 2010
Rite Publishing has reached an agreement with Diceless by Design to publish a product “Powered by Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing”. Fans of Erick Wujcik’s work (Amber Diceless Role-Playing, Shadow Knight, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) will finally get to enjoy a new experience and setting for this system.
Over the years, there has been tremendous interest in Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing, and Rite Publishing is ecstatic to help finally bring it to fruition. This will be Rite Publishing’s eighth Patronage Project, where customers purchase a patronage, which, if the criteria are met, becomes a design project where customers get to interact directly with the authors, artists, and cartographers.
Up till now, Rite Publishing has focused on publishing games for Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved and the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game. So Diceless Role-Playing is a departure for the Ohio-based company.
“Well, that’s what happens when fans go into publishing,” grins publisher Steve Russell and continues, “We’re fueled by a love for the game and an enthusiasm for stuff that doesn’t see much coverage elsewhere.”
“We are extremely proud that we’ve reached this agreement – not least because we know what a boon it will be for fans of Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing, “says Steve Russell.
The project will use the rules that fans of Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing already know. But with a new, non-generic setting, new powers, a different cosmology, and an all-new cast of significant characters, it will be unlike anything ever published. But above and beyond everything, it will still have the belief that the GM is an arbiter, unfettered by dice and with a strong focus on the story and the immersive experience, which only Diceless Role-Playing affords.
As with any publication, Rite Publishing brings a strong team to the project. Lead designer is none other than Jason Durall, while Perry Grosshans (A Witch’s Choice, To Kill or Not to Kill) will edit. Jason Rainville, whose art is set to delight fans in Race for the Crystal fold and Coliseum Morpheuon, will be the lead illustrator, while cartography is in the hands of Jonathan Roberts (Kobold Quarterly, Adventures in the Hyborian Age).
About Jason Durall
Jason Durall has been gaming since 1979 when his mother ordered him a copy of the D&D basic edition through the Montgomery Ward’s Christmas catalog. He has been creating and developing game content for two decades, contributing to Amber Diceless Role-Playing, Babylon 5, Basic Role-Playing, Battlestar Galactica, Bureau 13, Conan, Dragon Lords of Melnibone, Elric!, A Game of Thrones, The Laundry, The Lord of the Rings, Serenity, Supernatural, and many others. He’s played Amber for almost 18 years, worked closely with Erick Wujcik on Shadow Knight and Rebma. Additionally, he co-edited the ADRPG fanzine Trump Call and run events at Ambercons in the U.S. and U.K.
About Rite Publishing
Rite Publishing is a PDF and print on demand RPG micropress known for producing patronage projects for Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved and the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game including Clinton J. Boomer’s Coliseum Morpheuon (PFRPG), The Rituals of Choice Adventure Path (MCAE), and Heroes of the Jade Oath (MCAE).
For more information, and subsequent updates about this and other projects, check out Rite Publishing’s Facebook Page, catch them on Twitter or visit their website at www.ritepublishing.com
Links:Powered by Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing
patronage project
Rite Publishing to produce Powered by Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing patronage project
April 19th, 2010
Rite Publishing has reached an agreement with Diceless by Design to publish a product “Powered by Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing”. Fans of Erick Wujcik’s work (Amber Diceless Role-Playing, Shadow Knight, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) will finally get to enjoy a new experience and setting for this system.
Over the years, there has been tremendous interest in Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing, and Rite Publishing is ecstatic to help finally bring it to fruition. This will be Rite Publishing’s eighth Patronage Project, where customers purchase a patronage, which, if the criteria are met, becomes a design project where customers get to interact directly with the authors, artists, and cartographers.
Up till now, Rite Publishing has focused on publishing games for Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved and the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game. So Diceless Role-Playing is a departure for the Ohio-based company.
“Well, that’s what happens when fans go into publishing,” grins publisher Steve Russell and continues, “We’re fueled by a love for the game and an enthusiasm for stuff that doesn’t see much coverage elsewhere.”
“We are extremely proud that we’ve reached this agreement – not least because we know what a boon it will be for fans of Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing, “says Steve Russell.
The project will use the rules that fans of Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing already know. But with a new, non-generic setting, new powers, a different cosmology, and an all-new cast of significant characters, it will be unlike anything ever published. But above and beyond everything, it will still have the belief that the GM is an arbiter, unfettered by dice and with a strong focus on the story and the immersive experience, which only Diceless Role-Playing affords.
As with any publication, Rite Publishing brings a strong team to the project. Lead designer is none other than Jason Durall, while Perry Grosshans (A Witch’s Choice, To Kill or Not to Kill) will edit. Jason Rainville, whose art is set to delight fans in Race for the Crystal fold and Coliseum Morpheuon, will be the lead illustrator, while cartography is in the hands of Jonathan Roberts (Kobold Quarterly, Adventures in the Hyborian Age).
About Jason Durall
Jason Durall has been gaming since 1979 when his mother ordered him a copy of the D&D basic edition through the Montgomery Ward’s Christmas catalog. He has been creating and developing game content for two decades, contributing to Amber Diceless Role-Playing, Babylon 5, Basic Role-Playing, Battlestar Galactica, Bureau 13, Conan, Dragon Lords of Melnibone, Elric!, A Game of Thrones, The Laundry, The Lord of the Rings, Serenity, Supernatural, and many others. He’s played Amber for almost 18 years, worked closely with Erick Wujcik on Shadow Knight and Rebma. Additionally, he co-edited the ADRPG fanzine Trump Call and run events at Ambercons in the U.S. and U.K.
About Rite Publishing
Rite Publishing is a PDF and print on demand RPG micropress known for producing patronage projects for Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved and the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game including Clinton J. Boomer’s Coliseum Morpheuon (PFRPG), The Rituals of Choice Adventure Path (MCAE), and Heroes of the Jade Oath (MCAE).
For more information, and subsequent updates about this and other projects, check out Rite Publishing’s Facebook Page, catch them on Twitter or visit their website at www.ritepublishing.com
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(Digital Fingerprint:
e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Amber, Amber Diceless Role-Playing, Arcana Evolved, Diceless by Design, Erick Wujcik’s Diceless Role-Playing, Monte Cook, Pathfinder Role-Playing Game, Patronage Projekts, Rite Publishing, Shadow Knight, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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