Duel of the Giants (Russen gegen Deutsche)


Dr. Spiele
16. Januar 2003

Hm, das kommt bei Z-Man-Gmes zur SPIEL. In der Messevorschau von Cliquenabend heißt es dazu:

Titel: Duel of the Giants
Autor/in: Friedemann de Pedro
Illustrator/in: Friedemann de Pedro
Spieleranzahl: 2-4 Spieler
Spielzeit: 30-45 Minuten
Alter: ab 10 Jahre
Preis: 65 $
From the designer of Duel in the Dark, comes tank battles on the Eastern Front. Russians vs Germans. As the German player, are you prepared to defend your section of the front against the endless Red hordes? Or, as the Soviet player, are you going to be able to break through the Fascist lines and continue the advance towards Berlin?

"Duel of the Giants" allows you to recreate the great tank battles on the Eastern Front in 1943. As the German player, you must plan your moves carefully to anticipate the Soviet advance. The Soviet player can take chances with his many tanks to overwhelm the limited German defenses.

Good planning, preparation, and skill will be required to carry the day. Onward to victory - you now must begin the fight of your life...

Comes with 11 plastic minis - 10 tanks and one Stuka plane.

Ein bischen wenig Spielmaterial, aber sonst vielleicht einen Blick wert.
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