"Do it" like you should


Jacks vergeudetes Leben
4. April 2004
Assamite do it from behind.

Baali do it till it burns.

Brujah do it just so they can say they did.

Caitiff do it and run. (hopefully before the prince finds out.)

Daughters of Cacophony do it till it makes their throat gag.

Gangrel do it doggie style.

Giovanni do it in the family way.

Kysiad do it in mythic proportions.

Lasombra do it in the shadows.

Malkavians do it anyway they damn well feel like at the time.

Nosferatu do it bumping uglies.

Ravnos do it with out really being there.

Samedi do it in the dirt.

Salubri do it after checking that there are no Tremere are around.

Setites do it with a forked tongue.

Toreador do it artistically.

Tremere do it by roster.

Tzimisce do it anyway they can think of. Ventrue do it stiffly.
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