Eine neue Episode Spellburn, dieses Mal zum Thema Fanzines:
In a world where many still crave escape but cannot attend local or out-of-town conventions, it’s important to remember that there are many worlds yet to be discovered — thanks to the DCC 3PP community! Tonight we’ll be Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG has a vibrant community supporting the game through innumerable 3rd party products, including adventures, settings, and many, many zines. Where do all these zines come from anyway? Why are they here? What are they doing to us? Why would I make a zine instead of a full fledged game or setting book? How can I do this zine thing? To kickstart or not to kickstart? We’ll talk zines on this episode of Spellburn with Chris Willett, author of Aeon, Ancient Greece, as well as tackle some emails and whatever other controversies come our way!
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