Dawn of War 2


11. Juli 2003
suche hat nix ergeben somit mach ich den mal auf ;)


Here I was thinking Dawn of War 2 would be officially unveiled next month. I totally overlooked the possibility that Belgian magazine PCGameplay would get the scoop a few weeks early, and be the first to get me all excited over yet another must-have PC RTS. First things first: Relic are bringing some of Company of Heroes' tricks over to the Warhammer universe, with units ......................

Quelle : Dawn Of War 2: First Dawn Of War 2 Details

Erste Informationen zu Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2

In der belgischen Zeitschrift PC Gameplay wird exklusiv das kommende Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2 angekündigt. Erste Informationen dazu sind nun bereits im Internet verfügbar. So setzt Dawn of War 2 auf die Essence-Engine-2.0 und die Havok-Physik-Engine. Ferner soll das Spiel für Direct X 10 und Mehrkernprozessoren optimiert werden.
Für die Einheiten verwendet Entwickler Relic die ...............

Quelle : PC Games - News: Erste Informationen zu Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2

Dawn of War 2 Revealed : IGN: Dawn of War 2 Revealed

Zusammenfassung :

- Uses the Essence 2.0 engine with Havok physics, all optimised for DX10 and multicore support.
- It looks great, think of the DoW intro but with a bit less polygons here and there (in terms of lighting and all that it looks almost exactly the same).
- Units also use CoH-like unit AI for awareness and pathfinding to find cover and such.
- While DoW 2 shares the same (upgraded probably) engine as CoH it won't be "CoH in space", while soldiers in CoH will ask themselves if flanking the enemy is the right option, in DoW2 it will be more like Space Marines asking themselves if they should use their jetpacks to jump over an Ork squad to attack them in the back. Different settings, different kinds of warfare.
- Preview only showed a destroyed city landscape, akin to DoW (but more detailed), other tilesets will offer deserts, jungles, mountains and other cities.
- Only the Orkz and Space Marines were revealed, more races on the way obviously and to be to revealed later this year (though how many isn't known).
- Co-op campaign for both the Orkz and Space Marines, apparently not for the other to-be-revealed races.
- More focus on making units and squads unique; every unit has got a name (at least in the campaign it seems), more details and more animations.
- Relic wants to give players rewards at the end of a mission like wargear (armor, weapons, rare objects); "Let's pimp out squads with cool stuff!", you will see these items in-game as well of course.
- You'll fight your way through the campaign with the same squads.
- You can't control more than six squads! I am not sure if this is campaign-only but the preview made it sound like it wasn't.
- The squads are going to be a lot more interesting than before though.
- A squad leader (one or several?) will need to survive if you want to complete a mission; you really have to look out for your squads and don't treat them like cannon fodder.
- There is a lot more interesting commentary from the units as well; if your SM commander is holding a Thunder Hammer f.e. then the opponent will specifically comment on that, Ork Warchief saying something like "Ooh, nice hammer, but mine is bigger!". The warchief will say something else if the commander doesn't have the hammer.
- The campaign lets Space Marines operate from a spaceship, you'll get a view of an underlying planet and you'll be able to choose from different missions (which are tagged with difficulty colours, green, blue and red).
- Certain reward items won't be useable at once in the campaign, so they'll be taken back to the SM spaceship for research.
- Dreadnought can now also trample Orkz.
- No sea or air units (though jetpacks are still in of course).
- Development team of 55 people has been working on it since September 2005.
- Release in early 2009 or later.

Screenshots (zeigen aber nix :( ) :
AW: Dawn of War 2

Interessant, aber wie sieht, es neben Orks und Marines, mit den anderen Fraktionen aus?
Beispielweise Tau, Eldar, Dark Eldar und Tyraniden (Wobei zu sagen ist, das die Tyraniden bei Turnieren irgendwie schwächer wirken).
AW: Dawn of War 2

Ich will es aber jetzt wissen...ich will....ich will...ich will.:motz::motz::D

Es scheint, das man versucht Massenarmeen zu vermeiden, vielleicht hängt das mit Starcraft 2 zusammen oder auch nicht.
AW: Dawn of War 2

Für das höhere Wohl und Imperator, verbrennt die Ketzer, Mutanten und Xenos (solche die sich nicht dem höheren Wohl anschließen)
AW: Dawn of War 2

Ich find das ganz schön dreist von Relic. Ich meine... Ich find die Zerg ja auch cool, aber einfach SOWAS von dreist sich bei Blizzard's IP zu bedienen ist schon ziemlich grenzwertig. Hoffentlich werden die verklagt...
AW: Dawn of War 2

Das Ding sah eher aus wie ne Mischung aus einem Mind-Flayer und nem Zerg... da können dann die Zauberer von der Küste auch gleich noch mitklagen!
AW: Dawn of War 2

@Astartus. Nene das wurde absichtlich weggelassen. Harte entscheidungen sind gefragt, tun oder nicht tun, es gibt kein vielleicht. ;-)
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