Burning Empires


22. Februar 2004


In forging the Sword of Empire,
three elements are necessary:
Fire, Hammer and Anvil.
The Fire must blaze white,
the Hammer fly swift and sure,
the Anvil stand unyielding.
When the Emperor carves his Empire out of the
hostile Void, he must prepare these elements.

He must nurture a fiery will, purifying himself for his work
He must take up his Hammer, the Fleet, swift and sure
He must beat the enemy against his Worlds; his Army; his Anvil

An Emperor without a warlike will,
with neither Hammer nor Anvil,
cannot forge Empire.

Without a Will, he cannot take up his hammer
Without a Hammer, his anvil lies cold at his feet
Without an Anvil, his fleet cannot strike

Among the great nobles
there are the peers of the Hammer
and the peers of the Anvil,
two glorious houses pledged to the Emperor's will.

Honor your brother's house.
Praise the Lords of the Void and the Lords of the Land
with equal reverence, for each is nothing without the other.

-from the writings of Baron Vadeth Gorem of Shirein, LL/FE 9984
(Christopher Moeller)


So, nachdem es eigentlich wirklich nichts mehr mit Burning Wheel zu tun hat, hier der eigene Thread für Burning Empires, mit einigen nützlichen Links.

Zunächst mal die Offiziellen Previews auf http://www.burningwheel.org :

Das Inhaltsverzeichnis

Das erste Kapitel, The Face of Collapse

Als kleines Leckerli hier die beiden Iron Empires Comic-Sammelausgaben auf Amazon.de:

(Kleiner Scherz am Rande: Man beachte das Logo auf der Schulter...)

Das eigentliche Regelwerk ist vollfarbig, 652 Seiten dick und hat ungefähr A5-Format. Preorder sollen ab dem 22.5.06 möglich sein. Es sind einige Spezialangebote im Gespräch, wie z.B. von Christopher Moeller mit Skizzen im Innendeckel versehene und signierte Exemplare.

Weitere Neuigkeiten sobald sie verfügbar werden. Fragen bitte hier in den Thread, ich bemühe mich sie zu beantworten.

AW: Burning Empires

Brauch ich das Burning Wheels Grundbuch, oder funktioniert es auch alleine?
AW: Burning Empires

Burning Empires ist völlig eigenständig. Alles was du brauchst ist im Buch enthalten.

AW: Burning Empires

Soo, Neuigkeiten was die Preorders betrifft:

Luke Crane schrieb:
All preorders are limited edition/time offers. All preorders will be signed and numbered by ME.

Basic deal: Book + PDF priced cheaper than what the book will retail for.

Illustrated Book (+PDF): Moeller draws a character sketch in your book. There's only going to be 40 of these. They will be numbers 001-040 of the preorders. Expensive, but probably worth it.

Book+PDF+Limited Edition T-Shirt: full color Cotar Fomas logo on the front, river of fire quote on the back. I'm only making enough of these to fill the preorders. After that, no more!

Book+PDF+Signed Art Print of the Cover: Chris has agreed to sign a bunch of the covers/posters. We'll have prints on nice paper.

Book+PDF+Comics: This one is iffy, but I'm going to try to arrange to get a hoard of the graphic novels and sell them along with the game. This offer may extend until after the book is officially released.

Also, given how much time we have to wait (grumble), I think I'm going to push back the preorder go date to June 1st. It'll give me more time to get everything set up. And it'll be less waiting for you! (sort of)

All preorders will get a complete pdf copy of the game AFTER the preorder period has ended. We love pdf pirates, we just want them to wait. Currently, the pdf is 60 mb, so make room!

Also, the prints, comics and tshirts will probably ship BEFORE the books. So you can look cool while you digest your pdf.

AW: Burning Empires

jetzt habe ich neben deadlands reloaded noch ein weiteres spiel auf das ich gespannt warten kann ;).

Ich muss sagen, the face of collapse liest sich schon einmal sehr sehr gut.
AW: Burning Empires

Jepp, das schaut wirklich schnuckelig aus ! So richtig nach einer guten alten Space-Opera (Yeah ! Endlich wieder was Ansprechendes in dem Bereich !!).
AW: Burning Empires

Ein paar Settinginformationen aus einem alten Interview mit Chris Moeller:

The Empire and the Theocracy

SHADOW EMPIRES takes place ten thousand years in our Earth's
future. Mankind sprung from the Earth, which became the center of a
sprawling interstellar civilization. This ancient republic was called
the Federation. Eventually, internal pressures wrecked its republican
nature, and it became the Imperial Federation.

The Imperial Federation lasted until forces both internal and
external caused it to collapse. Feudal barons then grabbed up its
fragments and formed eight different states, called the Inner Empires
(see map in SE:Faith Conquers #1 or 2), all of which together were only
a fraction of the former Federation. These states share the curse of
medieval Europe: there is no central rule among them.

The Darikahn Empire is one of these states. Its emperor is
actually the most powerful of many barons, and he can be overthrown by
the combined strength of the others. Earth and Hotok are two chief
planets in Darikahn. Hotok (the setting of SE:FC) is a stark
fortress-world on the edge of the Void, which is now an unruled no-mans
land; whole societies are broken off from and lost to the main of human

A ninth state, the Theocracy, exists within the Darikahn empire;
like the papal state of the Catholic church, it is autonomous. Also, it
carries significant temporal power, both political and military,
thoughout the Empire. The Theocracy has two arms: the ecclesiastical
(i.e., the priesthood) and the military. The Theocracy hires
mercenaries to enforce its power in the realm, and though those troops
are in a sense warrior-priests, they are not under the constraints of
the clergy; for example, they don't have to remain celibate. Trevor
Faith and his Grey Rats are soldiers in the Theocracy's army.

The Mundus Humanitas is the orthodox church of the Theocracy.
However, a heretical sect known as the Church of the Transition ("CHoT")
has gained in prominence and popularity among many religious people as
well the the Imperial govenments.

One of the Darikahn Empire's greatest emperors was Baron
Hanrilke, after whom the present age is named (SE:FC begins in year 597
H.E.--the Hanrilke Era). He made the Mundus Humanitas the official
state religion, which helped to cement his rule. The church in return
received special treatment--exemption from taxes, for example. But when
Hanrilke died, the Darikahn Empire grew hostile toward the Mundus
Humanitas. The church retained its power and position, making the
relationship between church and state tense. The Empire has begun to
support the Church of the Transition so that it may be used as a weapon
against the Mundus Humanitas.
On Hotok, the highest imperial official is the Lord Steward.
The highest church official is the Archotare. The leader of the
church's army is the Cotar-Fomas (Trevor Faith's title).

The Vaylen (plus the Kerrns and the Trolls)

The greatest threat to the Inner Empires is the Vaylen, a race
of worms that possesses other creatures' bodies by burrowing into the
victim's brain. Before taking a host, the worm is called a Naiven, and
is a mere animal with survival instincts like other animals. But when
it bores into an intelligent brain, it can think with that host's
intelligence; it is then called a Vaylen. Vaylen are capable of
thinking, plotting, and forming an army. The Vaylen can invade a planet
or society, defeat its military, and insert Naiven into the populace,
thus expanding their empire and army.

The Vaylen have come from across the Void and are now
threatening border worlds like Hotok. They wanted to set up an enclave
on Hotok, and their first target was the Mundus Humanitas temple. But
on learning that the Empire wants to push the church off the planet,
they realized this would be unsafe. So instead, they proceeded to build
a secret enclave in the temple of the Church of the Transition, which
has better relations with the government. (Cotar-Fomas Kesling got
caught in the middle of the Vaylen's scheme and that is why he was
murdered.) Though the Vaylen threat seems to have arisen only a few
generations before Trevor Faith's time, Moeller says "They have always
been around."

The Vaylen genetically engineered a race called the Kerrns to
provide them with slave labor. The Kerrns are seven- to eight-foot tall
bipedal lizards. They are intelligent (i.e., they possess higher brain
functions), and are as strong as a man in iron. They are also
strong-willed and resilient, making them too rebellious to be slaves.
They mutinied against the Vaylen in what Faith calls "the Kerrn
Disaster." Now the Kerrns are homeless, wandering space in arks. They
are capable of adapting to human society and language, as we see with
Gopher, a member of the Grey Rats. (Incidentally, read Gopher's
dailogue with Arnold Schwartzeneggar's accent and you'll see where
Moeller got it.)

After the Kerrns rebelled, the Vaylen created a race called the
Mukhadish, or "Trolls" as they're commonly known. They are huge,
hulking brutes, strong like the Kerrns, but slower and more stupid.
Kerrns and Trolls are natural enemies, and apparently will attack each
other on sight. Faith says that if Gopher and the Troll in SE:FC #2
were to meet, they'd level half a city block. (Moeller notes that this
should not be taken literally.)

AW: Burning Empires

Oh jaaaaaaaa....es steigt in meiner Sympathie-Skala gerade noch etwas weiter nach oben, jetzt, wo ich was vom Setting lese !!! :D
Das sieht also nicht nur ansprechend aus, das hört sich auch ansprechend an !
Im anderen Thread habe ich gelesen, die Setting-Info sei nicht so sehr in Fließ-Text gepackt, sondern sie sei mit in "Burner-Tabellen" gepackt. Wie darf ich mir denn dieses vorstellen ? Steigt man da gut durch ?
AW: Burning Empires

Die Aussage bezog sich auf das größtenteils setting-freie Burning Wheel. Wie sich das ganze in Burning Empires gestaltet ist meines Wissens noch nicht bekannt, aber ich kann mir durchaus vorstellen, daß sich das da etwas anders gestaltet. Allerdings soll der spezifische Hintergrund hier ja größtenteils auch von der jeweiligen Gruppe entwickelt werden.

Wirf am besten mal einen Blick in Burning Sands: Jihad um einen Einblick darin zu bekommen, wie es aussehen könnte.
AW: Burning Empires

Ah, danke !!! Habe es mir gerade mal angeguckt ! Witzige Sache. Auf den ersten Blick erscheint die Struktur natürlich etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig aber es entsteht beim durchforsten der Tabellen wirklich ein erstaunlich buntes Bild von der entsprechenden Welt (und nebenbei: Jihad ist cool ;) Dune rules !! )
AW: Burning Empires

Von dem was ich aus den Foren und dem Inhaltsverzeichnis erkennen kann...

1) Es existiert kein ausdefiniertes Setting über den kurzen Text in "The Face of Collapse" hinaus.

2) Die Spieler "brennen" einen Planeten, auf dem sich der Konflikt abspielen wird, und erzeugen dann Charaktere, entweder Menschen oder Vaylen. Der SL erzeugt und übernimmt die Gegenseite.

3) Der "Metaplot" wird mittels der Infection-Mechanismen wie ein "normaler" Konflikt abgewickelt; das Tempo ist hier sehr langsam, 1-2 Aktionen pro Rollenspielsitzung. Ich vermute, das die Sitzungen direkt mit diesen Aktionen in Zusammenhang stehen.

4) Eine Infektion (=Kampagne) ist in 3 Phasen a 5-6 Rollenspielsitzungen unterteilt. Danach steht ein Gewinner fest.

Ein sehr interessanter Metaplotmechanismus; alleine aus diesem Grund will ich einen Blick in das Buch werfen. Naja, und wer kann schon einem Kampfsystem widerstehen, das ein Kapitel namens "I corner him and stab him in the face!" hat?

AW: Burning Empires

Und wieder etwas gehört, was mir den Mund wässerig macht. Klingt ja so, als ob die SC tatsächlich darauf ausgelegt sind, "Dinge zu bewegen" !! Und der "random metaplot" gefällt mir auch sehr gut. Verwendet Jihad nicht auch ein ähnliches System ?
AW: Burning Empires

Die SC müssen nicht zwingend die Mover und Shaker sein; du kannst auch eine Kampagne um Landeier zentrieren, die den Konflikt nur am Rande mitkriegen...("Erna! Da sind wieder die Würmer in unserem Salat!").

Andererseits kannst du auch den lokalen Forge Lord (Obermufti des System, der sowohl Hammer als auch Anvil-Truppen ausheben kann) mit PSI-Training spielen, der dann wohl an allervorderster Front Würmerarsch tritt...

Alles eine Sache des Fokus.

AW: Burning Empires

Preiset Luke Crane, wir haben Preise!

Luke Crane schrieb:
BURNING EMPIRES is a complete roleplaying game in a single book.
The book itself is hardcover, 656-pages, full color interior, digest-sized (5.5"x 8.5").
The book contains 400 pieces of artwork -- approximately 200 color and 200 sketches/illustrations. The color pieces are from Chris Moeller's various comics. The sketches and illustrations are either from his sketch books, from out-of-print comics or done specifically for the game. Yup, that's hundreds of pieces of never-before-seen artwork.

Basic Preorder, $40:
BURNING EMPIRES book and pdf
» All preordered books are signed and numbered by the author

Illustrated Book, $80:
BURNING EMPIRES book with illustration and pdf
» The illustrated books have a character sketch drawn by Chris Moeller on the inside front cover. There are only 40 of these available. They will be numbers 1-40 of the preorders. One per customer!

Limited Edition T-Shirt, $25:
» These t-shirts will only be available to preorder customers.
» Full color wheel on the front, quote on the back. All sizes available.

Signed Print, $20:
» 9" x 14" Prints of the full cover wrap signed by Chris Moeller.

Desweiteren sind diverse Burning Empire-Unterforen im Burning Wheel-Forum eröffnet worden.

AW: Burning Empires

das psychologie kapitel weckt nach erstem durchlesen auf jeden fall mein interesse.
Oben Unten