

14. November 2005
This is what happens when I get bored...

Here´s the plan: This thread can be abused for conversations on just about any topic, but there´s a catch. Three, to be precise.

1. Here´s the fun part: No posting must be made in the same language as the one right above it. German-English-German-English-German... would be okay, and that´s what we´re probably going to end up with, but don´t reply in the same language as the person right above you.

2. To make this a bit easier: Stick with languages someone around might know. German, French, Spanish, English, Italian, Latin (for Christ´s sake), or even Chinese would be quite okay, I guess, but Ainu, Miao or Sperethiel are not. Well, we´ll see how it works out. Just give the babelfish a chance. ;)

3. And now comes the tricky hook: "Conversation" strictly excludes meaningless collections of aphorisms, sayings and spam, regardless of the language it´s written in. Try to answer another posting or address someone, write something meaningful, not just "Alea iacta est!" and a wise-ass-smiley.
This is not about how many languages you can say "I love you!" in, and neither about languages almost extinct for 600 years and known by only three and a half guys across the planet.

So, here we go. Just comment. What do you think about the game?
Is it gonna work out? Tell me! :D But don´t do so in english...
AW: Babelfisch-Wettangeln

Δεν σκέφτομαι ότι θα επιλύσει, δεδομένου ότι οι ψαψελφησχ-μεταφράσεις τείνουν να είναι άγριες. Για να μην αναφέρει ότι οι αυτόματες μεταφράσεις τείνουν να ακρωτηριάσουν το περιεχόμενο οποιουδήποτε δεδομένου κειμένου πέρα από την αναγνώριση. Και τώρα για ένα απολύτως διαφορετικό θέμα: Ποιος θέλει να τρέξει ένα παιχνίδι των "καίγοντας αυτοκρατοριών";

AW: Babelfisch-Wettangeln

Hm... Sorry, but I didn't understand you... Would you be so kind and translate it into German?

Out of Character
I hope that correct :D
AW: Babelfisch-Wettangeln

Je suis desolée, mais c´etait inconséquent. Mais pourrait quelqu´un répondre a Silvermane? Je comprends pas le grecque...
Alôrs, les humanistes, vous êtes ou?
AW: Babelfisch-Wettangeln

*heul* bin ich hier denn der einzige, der kein Sprachgenie ist und nur Deutsch, Englisch und Klecksweise Latein versteht?
HILFE!!!! ;)
AW: Babelfisch-Wettangeln

'cause in this thread they're always there
The evil languages which twist my mind and bring me to despair

(Ok... who recognized it?)
AW: Babelfisch-Wettangeln

Alôrs, dis-moi. Et pourqoi est-ce que personne ne veut participer á notre conversation? :(
AW: Babelfisch-Wettangeln

@Kshatriyya It was a excerpt from the song "the number of the beast" of the famous band "Iron Maiden"
Well, It was a bit different to the original.. ;)
AW: Babelfisch-Wettangeln

@Niohbe: Nobody wants to. At least that´s what I just figured; it´s obviously too late to hope for lots of people hopping around newly-created threads.

@Azci: Aaaargh! Ich Idiot. Da hätte ich drauf kommen können...
AW: Babelfisch-Wettangeln

Ah, die italienische Delegation ist eingetroffen...
Ich frage mich wie´s hier im Forum mit in Latein oder Altgriechisch konversationsfähig bewanderten Usern aussieht?
Oder wie der asiatische Sprachraum so abgedeckt ist?
Oben Unten