B! Gorezone Special

AW: B! Gorezone Special

[align=center]Archangel Gabriel

“Declan, I think I found him.”
“The guy with the flamethrower who incinerated the whole housing block on our blue BPN two weeks back.”
“Really? Wait let me see….MC! Are you completely out of your fucking mind?! Tell me you didn’t just hack past a d-notice, you unbelievable prick!”
“Relax, man. Remember that DarkNight Ghost modem I pinched from our last Grey? Nobody will ever know. Now if you would just take a look at this…Declan? Hey! Who the hell are you and how did you get past the security system?!”
“Operative Scour, Department of Stygmartyr. Mr. Mauricius Copernicus Detwiler, I presume?
“Yes…listen, I..”
“Mr. Detwiler, are you familiar with the term ‘Maximum Deniability’?”

Category: Operative for the Department of <D-notice>
Race: D-notice/human (unconfirmed)
Package: D-notice; probably Death Squad

Description: Clad in a black and white colored power armour featuring a red cross prominently displayed on the front side, Archangel Gabriel has only been seen twice in the history of Mort. First in 675 SD, when he was seen crossing the perimeter wall into Cannibal Sector 5. The second sighting occurred in 901 SD, when he burned down an entire housing block in Downtown sector 523, otherwise known as “Meat City”. Both times, all witnesses disappeared or wound up dead within a month.
Weapons of choice: Flamethrower, grenades and a powered fire axe
Abilities: d-notice
Personality: d-notice
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Alter, mach so weiter und wir bringen demnäxt ein HunterSheets raus :D

Eher ein NPC-Directory; die meissten von "euch" sind schließlich Operatives ;)
Weiter im Text:


“What you do not understand is that this is the only way. SLA Industries is right when they say that the Glyph Cards are a thing of the past. What they don’t tell you is why these things are called Deathsuits. Ask yourself: Do you really want to find out? I didn’t. So I devised another way.
There is no such thing as freedom; not until you are willing to make sacrifices. And sacrifices I made. The only true way to power is not being mollycoddled by Mr. Slayer and his lackeys. They only want what’s best for you – the trick is to not let them have it!”

Name: Drudenfusz

Criminal Portfolio:
Drudenfusz is a former SLA operative and rogue employee of the Department of Ebb, where he worked as an assistant to the Science Friction R&D sub-department for his master, the Necanthrope Obscure.

Subject Code: LV98.. / 126RA756786

Description: Brain Waster; dark brown hair, pentagram hallmark covering his face, glyph brandings all over his body; seldomly wears more than a pair of ragged jeans.

Crime: Murder/Subversion

Department of Contract: Department of Ebb

Bounty: 5,400C

Criminal Profile: Fled from Uptown in 901 SD after having murdered his master with a stolen Thresher VAP cannon. Since then, he left a trail of bodies throughout Downtown, wherever he decided to show up. Victims come from every demographic group or affiliation; he seems to slaughter SLA operatives as readily as Skin Trade enforcers, Carrien, Props, Gangers, and civilians.

Last Known Location: Was last seen in Downtown Sector 541 (“The Trench”) involved in a firefight between Krosstown Traffic and the Johannas. Current whereabouts unknown.

Other Comments: Drudenfusz is highly trained in the use of the Ebb and doesn’t hesitate to use more force than needed. He doesn’t wear a Deathsuit, and has instead branded his entire body with Glyphs that seem to enable him to use the Ebb (similar to the Glyph Card method). Analysis of various observations has led the Department of Ebb to believe that his capability of handling Flux is at least on par, if not better, than most Necanthropes.
A 1,000 credit bonus is available if Drudenfusz is brought back alive and with as little damage to his skin as possible.
Caution should be taken concerning possible third party interference. Drudenfusz is currently not associated in any way to a Rival or Soft Company – but virtually every Soft Company would try to get its hands on his skin.
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Drudenfusz spielt ausschließlich Cross-Gender Charaktere, daher meine kurze Überraschung...
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Ist Shub-Schumann schon nominiert?
Ansonsten ist er es hiermit.

------- Automatische Beitragszusammenfassung -------​
Smokey Bear schrieb nach 21 Sekunden:

Alles + ohne Bild kommt später.
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Ist Shub-Schumann schon nominiert?

Shub-Schumann spielt SLA? o_Ô

So, hier schon vor der Sintflut angekündigt:


“And I’m gonna get me some nice little R&R at the end of my tour. And you know why? Because some shit-for-brains corporate dickweed saw it fit to dole out 150,000 smackaroonies for some war criminal dude with the awesome record of 17 recorded killings of SLA Operatives and Nitro Legion personnel – ON A FUCKING WAR WORLD! He’s been seen in this Sector so you bet your ass I’m gonna get that bounty before they correct this mistake.”
“You better shut the fuck up RIGHT now, you fucking asshat or you’ll better go fetch me a crowbar – because I’ll need it to get my boot out of your arse!”
“Whuh-? Hey man, what the hell!”
“(sigh) Okay, look, I’m sorry. I know you’re new here so let me just fill you in on this ‘war criminal dude’ you are on about. His name is Silvermane, he’s been around for quite some time now and the bounty is legit – it’s been asked before.”
“Really? 150,000 creds for someone who killed a mere 17 of us?”
“He killed seventeen divisions.”
“But, man, that’s like, - “
“101,735 soldiers, 6,087 battle taxis and light tanks, 9,352 heavy tanks and mobile artillery platforms and 1,281 stingrays and other aircraft. Three things: One, you won’t find him in the enemy trenches or in some godforsaken bunker - this one operates tanks, orbital cannons, bombers and heavy artillery; two, these 150 grand are a fucking joke compared to what this bastard has done to us and three: Yes, he’s the fucking angel of death and he’s been spotted in this sector. So you best pray to Slayer that his sighting was either a goof from reconnaissance or that he goes away soon. Are you going to finish that? No? Mind if I…thanks a bunch.”

Conversation between Private Eric Mencken (deceased) and Private First Class Sybil Groesbeck (MIA) during lunch break, 905 SD, Cross.

Name: Silvermane

Criminal Portfolio:
Silvermane is a Thresher commander who is regularly sent as a troubleshooter to every War World the Shark is about to loose.

Subject Code: LV98.. / 733TA00173465

Description: Human (unconfirmed); a hulking figure with silvery-grey hair; facial tattoos (two lightnings descending his front and pointing to his nose ridge, two lightings on his cheekbones pointing to his eyes. Pale complexion, bluish-grey eyes.

Crime: Mass Murder

Department of Contract: Company Militia

Bounty: 150,000C

Criminal Profile: Thresher commander, rank unknown. First sighted in 867 SD on Dante. Believed responsible for the complete eradication of the 12,706th Nitro Legion one week earlier.

Last Known Location: Two months ago, surveillance sighted what is believed to be the battle ship of his current assignment leaving the solar system of cross in direction of classified War World Harrow.

Other Comments: Silvermane directly responsible for the death of countless Nitro Legionnaires, Operatives, and civilian SLA personnel on virtually every War World in the WoP. It is therefore essential to bring absolute proof of his death; beyond mere video footage. There is currently an additional bounty available, which is sponsored from a civilian group of former comrades and relatives of his victims called HeartWatch (headquarters located on Tarhaven-5).
AW: B! Gorezone Special


Da ich mir mal die AGBs von Photobucket genauer durchgelesen habe, habe ich mal alles an original-Kunst meinerseits entfernt.

Die Bilder (wenn auch ohne den Text) findet ihr auf meinem Deviantart-Account unter "B!-Listers":

JackDarke's Gallery

Dieser Thread wird allerdings nicht mehr weitergeführt (zumindest nicht mehr von mir mit Bildern versorgt).

Macht's gut & danke für den Fisch! :)
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Ersteres kommt (fast) hin; Ideenmangel für Monster nach User-Namen hatte ich nie (und wenn's ein mutierter Arsch auf zwei Beinen ist). Lust dazu habe ich durchaus noch, aber die kanalisiere ich gerade lieber in das viel zu lange liegengelassene 8-Files-Projekt, das in meinen Augen vielversprechender und (für mich) belohnender ist.

Die ursprüngliche Idee war ja ein Forum-Spiel gewesen, zu dem jeder seine Ideen hätte beisteuern können. Alleine dafür zu sorgen mit eher verhaltenem, vereinzeltem, und gelegentlichem Feedback - und außerdem ohne bezahlt zu werden - war mir dann doch etwas zu deprimierend.
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