B! Gorezone Special

AW: B! Gorezone Special

Wenn die User nicht nominieren, nominiere ich eben die User :D :p

Ich nominiere:


“There we were, just investigating a civilian disturbance. The first thing we notice, is that the entire block was silent – except for the rain of course. We drove down Main Street when we saw it: Hundreds of bodies strewn all over the road; the whole street covered in blood and the glass shards from every single fucking window in sight. We called in a Kilcopter with a searchlight, which arrived some ten minutes later. And that’s when we saw him. Standing in the middle of the street, a glass shard in his left hand which he drew across his right palm. He just looked up to the ‘Copter and it’s glass front explodes. We hear the screams of the pilots on our headsets before the Copter crashes into a nearby building and explodes. I’ll never forget the sight of him, turning his head toward us, slowly advancing through a rain of debris, burning kerosene and, well, broken glass. Intruder bless Frenzy who reacted first by getting us the fuck away from him.”
Wayne Corrigan, Death Squad Operative, exterminated for security reasons.


Criminal Portfolio: Sealed under SCL 6

Subject Code: LV98.. / 974B230203

Description: Human (Unconfirmed)

Crime: Murder/Misinformation/Subversion

Department of Contract: Stygmartyr

Bounty: 10,000C

Criminal Profile: Cult Leader. Extremely dangerous. Vaguely human appearance; skin around lower face and frontal neck missing. Numerous glass shards stuck in his skin. Eyes missing, seem to have been replaced with glass shards stuck into his eye sockets. Hair on the left side of his skull partially ripped away and crudely shaven. Age unknown, believed to be in his early thirties. Doesn’t wear armour or carry weapons.

Last Known Location: Was last seen in Downtown Sector 766 (“Little Berlin”) where he butchered the inhabitants of an entire block, throwing their bodies into the street. Was sighted by Squad Blue Bollock. A higher authority was subsequently sent in but discovered no trace of him. Current whereabouts unknown.

Other Comments: Blut-Und-Glas has demonstrated numerous abilities associated with higher Blood Cultist leaders, only on a much higher scale. Believed to be on par with Elliot Raik in terms of power and ruthlessness.
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Der nächste!

Infernal Teddy


“Just got the info: Debriefing will be in room 214.”
“The one with the broken heater? Oh great. That’s all I bloody well need right now. Who’s doing the debriefing?”
“Uh…some IA guy called Lethe”
“Wait, that’s an Ebon name….”
“Necanthrope, to be exact…”
“Relax, man. Could be worse.”
“RELAX?!? What could possibly be worse than being interrogated about a botched BPN by a fucking Necanthrope??!”
“They could’ve sent the Infernal Teddy.”
“Point taken. Alright, let’s get this over with.”

Operatives Mallory Keegan and Ivan McCullough on their way to the debriefing room.

Name: Theodore Rackham
Category: Operative
Race: Human
Package: I&I

Description: Black hair, thinlipped, chiselled features. Wears a black suit and a trenchcoat, always carries around a suitcase and a voicerecorder. Weapon of choice: Decent shot with a FEN 603.
Works for IA as an interrogator. His work philosophy is simple:

“All suspects are guilty – otherwise, they wouldn’t be suspects!”

Out of 1041 operatives and captives he interrogated about a possible subversion so far, only three were not subsequently convicted. Over time, he built himself a reputation as IA’s most ruthless and vindictive inquisitor. He never relies on Honesty™ , subjecting his targets to countless hours of questioning, if need be. More often, he only needs half an hour to prove the subject guilty.
And no one calls him “Infernal Teddy” to his face, of course…

Abilities: Interrogation, SLA Info

Personality: Coldly logical, keen observation, loyal, uncompromising.
AW: B! Gorezone Special


Was mich zu der Frage bringt: Wer muss denn noch alles her?
- Kazuja
- Skar
- Sprawl
- Hasran
- Blendwerk
- Nogger (was mach' ich'n DA draus...?)
- ArchangelGabriel
- Pythia
fallen mir spontan ein. Noch jemand?
AW: B! Gorezone Special

- di-vino, du hast di-vino vergessen...
Und natürlich
- Jack Darke... Den kann ich dann ja zusammen basteln... ^^
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Bekommt die Inaktiven-Riege eigentlich auch Hunter Sheets, oder sind die bereits... abgearbeitet? :p

Stay SLA
AW: B! Gorezone Special


*edit* Meinst Du die inaktiven User? Falls ja, ich bin relativ neu im Forum; wenn du/ihr wen bestimmtes sehen wollt, postet den Usernamen und ich seh' mal ob ich was draus machen kann.

Bis dahin werd' ich nur die oben genannte Liste "abarbeiten".

[Himmelarsch! Wenn ich gewusst hätte, was der Shaktar für 'ne Arbeit ist hätte ich Skar aus der Liste geschmissen!]
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Sk'r [Skar]

“You asking me about a possible DarkNight connection – is that it? Now listen up! You wanna know about Sk’r? He’s a hero, that’s what. Beat up that Stormer asshole who decided to shoot himself a gallon of Shatter and run amok in this here housing block. Beat him to a pulp in plain sight in the middle of the road. Rescued the lives of the whole Shiver Station and countless civilians. He even had the decency to stick around and clear us of any possible paperwork we may have been stuck with.
If you think you can slander him so you can get a crappy news story for your career in that rinky-dinky newspaper of yours, you better watch your back; cause let me tell you: none of us will ever hear you again if you come crying for help!”

SHIVER Sergeant Connelly, talking to Lydia Marsden from the Suburbia Enquirer

“Shaktar celebrities? Only one. The Bond and The Frown can both go fuck themselves for all I care. And then there’s this Old Bones Hunter Sheet guy whose name sounds like a Stormer gargling with debris. No man, you may wanna look out for Sk’r. The Bond may be big in the circuit and get all the air time; but this guy is the real deal. Lives his life and does the job better than anyone else without showing off. That’s why people like him. Want a challenge? Bet you 50 credits you won’t find a Brain Waster who wants to insult Sk’r.”
Irwin Rodecker, Media Operative

Category: Operative
Race: Shaktar
Package: Strike Squad

Description: Muscular build, deep brown-red skin tone, olive green eyes. Wears a custom Crackshot Armour. Weapons of Choice: Shaktar custom traditional sword, Shaktar switchblade.
Abilities: Various Shaktar Martial Arts styles, Blade 1-H
Personality: Polite, calm and collected, always on top of the situation.
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Wie kann man nur malcalypse vergessen?! Ich bin mir sicher, dass er sich gerne als Brain Waster sehen würde. ;)
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Würd er nicht... achja Bloody_Valentine als 114-Stormer darf nicht vergessen werden...
AW: B! Gorezone Special

malcalypse kommt auch auf die Liste zum ausarbeiten

Bloody Valentine ist ein offizieller SLA NSC und damit bereits nominiert :D
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Wieso eigentlich alles auf englisch? Egal: Bad German-English for the masses.

Contract Killer
The Brainwaster Operative Tears was a specialist for the Cannibal Sector 3 and killed one day a brutal genocidal Manchine. She gave it to the LAD, because she come up with a special plan. Tears told the LAD scientist to plant her brain in that manchine, if she died. SLA Industries denied her wishes at first, but offered her a special deal. She would get her manchine chassis, but she would no longer be a Operative, but a Contract Killer. She accepted.

Two years later she died in Lower Downtown, and her brain was transferred to the manchine chassis. The transformation has her made insane and less and less controllable. Today she fights under the name Golem.

The Manchine is a female body with hidden melee weapons in her limps, whips, chainsaws, vibro sabres. Every fight there is something else. Over the rusty metal body is her shredded Deathsuit and her weak ebb skills are feral and random.

Ok so?

AW: B! Gorezone Special

Wieso eigentlich alles auf englisch?

Muss nicht, geht auch auf deutsch. Mir persönlich liegt Englisch gelegentlich besser; und da es keine deutsche Übersetzung von SLA Industries gibt, kann ich getrost davon ausgehen, daß alle die regelmäßig im SLA-Forum vorbeischauen, Englisch zumindest ganz gut lesen können. :)

Ok so!

Nette Idee. Mehr! :p
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Di-Vino, the Double Stormer

Category: Contract Killer (Uptown)
Race: (Stormer 313)

Description: A War World prototype modification test run using the 313 template in 902 SD suffered an unusual malfunction, as a software glitch caused one of the life chambers to be fitted with two stormer embryos instead of one.

About midway through the breeding process, the scientist of laboratory D1 realized their mistake, as the affected chamber began allocating nutrient fluids in far greater proportions than usual.
The decision was made to finish the creation process of the affected stormer for later studies.

What birthed itself from the life chambers two weeks before schedule by smashing through the glass of the tube was a hulking 15 feet two-headed, grey-skinned, four-armed monstrosity which collapsed immediately into a thrashing fit, it’s two heads – each controlling one half of the body – unable to even walk.

Subject Number D1-VI-N0 was removed from the War World program and subjected to standard operative personality development.

After reconditioning, the next problem arose, as the two newly developed personalities instantly disliked each other.
Recycling was seriously considered, as Di-Vino’s inability to even decide in which way to walk or move his extremities resulted in a replacement bill for laboratory equipment which quickly exceeded the budget.

Just when the scientists were about to give up, they discovered the one thing which both personalities not only liked, but actually cooperated on without a fuss: Death and destruction. Di-Vino became a Contract Killer in the sole possession of Karma, and has since earned money on the circuit (which was mostly used to cover his bills).

He takes on every challenge he can get, and so far every one of his opponents ended up either dead or with a medical bill that made retirement an economically viable option.
Weapon of choice: None. The only weapons which Di-Vino was able to handle without bickering with himself how to best use them were two Bully-Boy Shotguns – one in his two right hands, one in his two left. The lower hands held the pump, while the upper hands squeezed the trigger. He was quite effective, since his two personalities allowed him to aim the two guns separately

Abilities: Unarmed Combat, Wrestling.
Personality: Constantly arguing with himself, indecisive, easily angered.
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Hmm... Nogger ist ja originär ein irischer Shadowrun-Elf (Ich bin kein Ire, ich bin Tir 'na nOgger), charakterlich eher blutleer - und so aktiv bin ich hier ja auch nicht. ;-) Ich denke, ein Frother würde trotzdem ganz gut hinkommen... So ein bisschen im Stil der Zwillinge aud MATRIX Reloaded....

Nominieren würde ich natürlich Delight:

He seems to be the kind of guy who is simply pissed by everything. Sometimes he seems to ignore everything around him, which may be arrogance or resignation, then he switches to the coldhearted killer pose, which may be stubborn obedience to his masters or his form of loosing control. He should have been a nice guy, you know, he's got fame, a semidetach in Uptown, a girl, and usually gets to play squad leader - either his Brain Waster girl or his squad seem to really stick it to him. Don't think he's one of the "has-seen-to-many-bad-things"-type, after all, he's an Ebon.
Leoni Skipper, "Psycho Angels" -fangirl

Category: Operative
Race: Ebon
Package: Strike Squad, I&I

Description: Athletic build, milkwhite skin, military-cut, blue-iridiscent hair, dark blue eyes, wears urban camo over his Death Suit. Usually smoking.
Abilities: Various Firearms, Clubs (prefers Pacifier Baton), Reality Fold, Red Thermal.
Background: According to rumours, Delight comes from a subversive background, switching sides and becoming operative. While he's obviously Ebon, he often shows Brain Waster attitudes. Although he has a second degree in I&I, he focuses on combat abilities and even has some war world experience.
AW: B! Gorezone Special

Verwundet, fast am verbluten und am Ende seiner Kräfte läd Jack Darke seine Blitzer mit den letzten Kugeln HESH-Munition die er hat. Draußen vor seinem Versteck warten die Russen mit ihren Pressluftwaffen, der Hinterausgang ist durch eine Horde Zombies blockiert.
Zeit abzuhauen; das Taxi hätte schon vor Stunden da sein sollen. Wo blieb Sprawl, schnellster Frother diesseits der Galaxie? Warten, durchhalten. Kickstart. Mit zusammengebissenen Zähnen spannt Jack den Hahn seines Revolvers.
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