Artefakte entwerfen mit Oadenols Codex

AW: Artefakte entwerfen mit Oadenols Codex

So, hab ein erstes Artefakt für einen meiner Charaktere - eigentlich kein Artefakt sondern eine Waffe die aus dem Wyld stammt: Die Swordgrace eines mächtigen Fairfolkadeligen.

The Idea of a weapon:

Artefact 5:

The Idea of a weapon is the fairfolk equivalent of a powerful artefact and served as swordgrace of the Racksha with the orange wings. Its greatest strength is its unshape. Therefore it can exist in creation only by use of a special charm: The wyld protecting prana. This charm is learnt automatically upon acquisition of the Idea of a Weapon.
As the shaping combat of the fair folk is dependent on the knowledge about your enemy, so is the Idea of a Weapon - the better the wielder knows his opponent the more effective it becomes. Against a completely unknown foe it is utterly useless.
I the wielder has a rough idea about the enemy (Spirit, Part of Creation, Inhabitant of the underworld etc.) it will be a bit more useful, inflicting Bashing damage. Once the wielder of the Idea knows what kind of opponent he is facing (first circle demon, terrestrial god, celestial god, abyssal Exalted etc.) he will be able to easyly kill it, inflicting lethal damage. The Idea shows its full potency only against opponents the wielder truly knows. Against an opponent whose motivation and at least one intimacy he knows the Idea of a Weapon inflicts aggravated damage.
All damage inflicted by the Idea of a Weapon is piercing since by its nature, the weapon always strikes at the greatest weakness and most imposed spots of an enemy.
If the wielder is deceived about about his opponent, thereby attacking something he has no idea about, the Idea of a Weapon always misses since it attacks weaknesses that don't exist and strikes at spots that are not exposed at all.
It also renders all unexpected attacks expected and allows the application of the parry DV even against attacks against it would be unapplicable. (This is correlatet to a sword and ring grace effect)
The Idea of a weapon has NO cost to attune to. Nonetheless, while in creation it can only exist if protected by the Charm "The Wyld protection prana", a Solar Melee Custom Charm without requirements. This Charms requires ten motes to be commited, otherwise it ends immidiately, thereby leaving the Idea open to creation. The idea of a weapon will solidify into its last acquired shape within an hour after exposure to creation and never be able to be more then the weapon which shape it took.
The wielder can spend two motes reflexively to reshape the Idea of a Weapon by influencing the shape created by the Wyld protecting prana. This does not count as Charme activation.
Since the Idea is essentially a sword-grace -its effeciency as a weapon is greatly influenced by the wielders virtues. (It's capabilities are only limited by the wearers sword-, ring- and heart-grace stats.)
Whenever a new shape is chosen, devide up to (wielder valor + wielders temperance + 3 ) between Accuracy, Damage, Rate and Defense.
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