Pathfinder 35% Discount auf Pathfinder PDFs bis Ende April


18. Mai 2007
Ein Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt. Ich habs grad erst gesehen, aber schon gestern hat Vic Wertz, der Technische Direktor von Paizo, im dortigen Forum bekannt gegeben, dass bis zum Ende des Monats der Preis für die PDFs diverser Pathfinder-Linien um 35 % gesenkt werden. Für Schnäppchenjäger und sonstige Interessierte sicherlich eine gute Möglichkeit, mal etwas billiger an die Produkte zu kommen.

Hier der Originalwortlaut von Vics Post:

We at Paizo Publishing understand how important PDFs have become to most roleplaying gamers. We know that PDFs allow you to easily carry around a large library of books on your laptop, PDA, or cell phone. We know that PDFs are great for searching for that piece of obscure information. We know that PDFs are a great way to keep out-of-print products available. And we know that PDFs provide a great way to check out new products.

At, most of the roleplaying books we publish are available in both print and PDF editions. We take pride in the high quality of our PDFs and think that they are some of the best in the industry. And we would love to show you how cool they are by allowing you to buy our Pathfinder PDFs for 35% off the regular retail price through the end of April. This offer includes Pathfinder Adventure Path PDFs, Pathfinder Modules PDFs, Pathfinder Chronicles PDFs, Pathfinder Companion PDFs, and Pathfinder Society Scenario PDFs.

Just add the Pathfinder PDFs you would like to buy into your cart, and when you are checking out, type the promotional code "PDFLove" in the appropriate box. The 35% discount will be applied to your Pathfinder PDFs at that point. You can use this code as many times as you like until the end of April, and feel free to share this code with your friends.

We also invite you to check out the FREE PDF products available at - Store / Downloads / Free Downloads. These include several of our own products, such as the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beta, our adventures Hollow's Last Hope and Revenge of the Kobold King, and our Player's Guides for Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne, as well as dozens of PDFs from other publishers.

We would also like to remind you that subscribers to our Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Modules, Pathfinder Companion, and Pathfinder Chronicles lines get FREE PDFs when the corresponding print editions of their subscription products ship—just another way in which we thank our customers for their support!

So drop by and check out all of the downloads we offer at - Store / Downloads. The digital age is here, and we are proud to be your provider of amazing digital products for years to come.
AW: 35% Discount auf Pathfinder PDFs bis Ende April

Da ich Charter Superscriber bin, hab ich fast alle PDFs, die da verbilligt werden.
Einzig die Society Szenarios hab ich bis jetzt nicht angesehen.

Die sind jetzt allerding in meinem Einkaufskorb, und warten nur noch etwas, das mein Kontostand etwas in die Höhe schnellt, um ihn schnell wieder nach unten zu drücken.
Oben Unten