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Lulu, our printer and distributor, has changed International shipping prices without warning. That would normally not have been a problem, but the pricing increase is so extreme (EUR 70 per book just for shipping!) that we first thought it was a bug. Sadly, it isn\'t, although we don\'t understand this new pricing policy--especially since it is coupled with a general increase in production prices.At the moment, only hardcover books shipped to destinations outside the US are affected, as they are the only books manufactured in the US (softcovers are printed in other international facilities, and thus shipping remains inexpensive). Of course, a large number of our customers are from Europe and want hardcovers, which is what makes the...
Lulu,our printer and distributor, has increased shipping prices withoutwarning. That would normally not have been a problem, but the pricingincrease is so extreme (EUR 70 per book just for shipping!) that wefirst thought it was a bug. Sadly, it isn\'t, although we don\'tunderstand this new pricing policy--especially since it is coupled witha general increase in production prices.At the moment, onlyhardcover books shipped to outside the US are affected, as they are theonly ones that are manufactured in the US (softcovers are done in otherinternatinal facilities, and thus remain cheap). Of course, a big chunkof our customers is from Europe wanting hardcovers, which is what makesthe situation so bad.We are terribly sorry about...
wieder daheim ie Messe ist vorbei, ich bin nicht mehr ganz so groggy - wenngleich heute ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag war. Unbestritten 4 Tage Messe machen einen Heidenspaß! Sind aber auch Arbeit. Knapp 250 Lesezeichen verteilt an die 300 Kurzschocker unter das Volk gebracht und so manche Partnerschaft knüpfen können. Die Weichen in Richtung Zukunft sind gestellt die Kohle für den Kessel steht bereit. Jetzt wird geschaufelt! Heute keine News oder dergleichen sondern einfach mal ein Danke: Ich habe viele nette Leute getroffen, angefangen von Bentley Silberschatten über das Ausgespielt Team, dem Hühnen im imaginären Britney Spears-Shirt von Tellurian ( you know who you are!), Wotan sowie* Scorpio und Ralf von Dorp-TV auf deren...
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