AW: Conspiracy X 2.0 ist draußen!
Agroschim schrieb:
Wie siehts eigentlich mit den Aliens aus?
Drei Sorten. Und weil sie so herrlich konfus klingt, füge ich hier mal eine nicht-regierungsskonforme Webseite ein.
GREYS A.K.A. Little Grey Men, Riticulans.
Height: 4'-5", Weight: 81 lb.
Bipedal, Cetacean, Xenomorph.
Reproduction: Unknown, possible Asexual.
180 Degree vision, sensitive to motion, Poor color distinction, Ultraviolet spectrum.
Psychic Ability - Extraordinary: Project Thoughts, Communication, Time Loss.
Highly dangerous when communicated with or cornered.
Physiology: Low Physical Strength, Immune to Disease, Mouth for Breathing, Secrete Dry Chemical from Skin to disolve Food for Digestion.
ATLANTEANS A.K.A. Space Brothers, Nordics, and Ancient Astronauts.
Height: 6'-2", Weight: 220 lb.
Bipedal, Anthropoids, Xenomorph(?)-Probability 89%.
Nanotechnology Cell and Organ Repair, Enhanced Immunities, Power Generation, Smart-Equipment Interface-High Threat. High Technology.
Physiology: Unknown.
Reproduction: Unknown.
Psychic Ability: Unknown.
Intentions: Unknown.
High Threat.
Height: 6'-3" Weight: 247 lb.
Bipedal, Reptilian, Xenomorph.
Plasma Claw, Arm to Elbow Weapon Fires Plasma Bolts. Energy Source: Unknown. Highly Dangerous.
Reproduction: Unknown.
Description: Thick Skin, Dark Patterned, Hairless, Birdlike Legs, extended Heel (Looks Like Backwards Knee), Large Head, Small Eyes and Portruding Snout. Three Fingered Hands with Opposable Thumb. Prominent Tail for Forward Balance.
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