
The Saint

Welcome, delicious friend!
28. Juni 2005
Auf ED haben ja Namen ein großes Gewicht - aber gibt es irgendwo eine Namensliste für die einzelnen Völker? Bei der Namensfindung meines Charakter verzweifle ich nämlich noch.
AW: Namen

Im Namensgebercompendium sind für jedes Volk ein paar Beispiel-Vornamen dabei, ich kopier sie eben raus (wenn ich das .pdf finde) und poste sie.

Edit: Gefunden!

Dwarfs usually have two Names. The first Name is
chosen by the dwarf’s parents, the second by the most sig-
nifcant grandparent. It is common for a young dwarf to
share one of his Names with a grandparent or parent.
Sample Names
Agnar, Bariv, Dagnus, Egin, Fignus, Glorin, Hofur,
Jaella, Kordur, Learka, Lognar, Maera, Noran, Ogus,
Paranur, Renar, Riyla, Seadda, Sunar, Tusur, Ulrun, Vignor,
Vunar, Ysilla, Zognar

The Names of elven infants often represent an aspect
of their lineage, and are chosen by the parents. Elves com-
monly undergo the Ritual of Passage at the age of twenty,
during which they choose their own Names.
Sample Names
Aeraias, Beshar, Caluath, Dremnin, Eirdeth, Eytherian,
Fithvael, Gaelin, Hareth, Iathi, Jaren, Kermanthil, Luevia,
Maralan, Nai’ara, Noarethal, Pyrail, Rhyvain, Siluath, Tia-
thar, Tyrnea, Uthwyn, Vilmir, Yalathael, Zydan

Humans receive their Names from their parents, keep-
ing them for the rest of their lives.
Sample Names
Alvar, Baldred, Celina, Delmor, Elwind, Fenwill, Gal-
dora, Honguth, Hyram, Igna, Kelandra, Lamand, Melgador,
Nahindra, Ophelia, Pandur, Quelana, Rigus, Santorano,
Timbur, Ulgur, Vendar, Wilbur, Xandir, Zidan

Obsidimen receive their Names during the Awakening,
given to them by their Liferock. Over the course of two
decades, the Awakened learns about the world from fellow
brothers, and during this time he discovers the Name that
was given to him.
Sample Names
Amaltham, Belarus, Cedrok, Domnur, Erathun, Forr,
Gothus, Haralayelus, Imodun, Jarralak, Korum, Larama-
nus, Monuk, Nostrus, Ophranim, Physt, Quaron, Redurus,
Sogun, Torukor, Uhnar, Voltor, Wethysor, Xamdar, Ygasu

Before an ork is born, his mother dreams the vravraka,
where she sees the child demanding the Name it desires.
Sample Names
Aluk, Brog, Curst, Drognur, Ekarr, Faghn, Gors, Garon,
Horak, Jurok, Kartos, Kia’k, Lorga, Mornur, Nago, Orkal,
Pahok, Quan, Ristar, Tok, Uvul, Ulag, Venag, Y’lomm,

Highland trolls have three Names. A troll’s frst Name,
like a human’s or dwarf’s “given” name, is associated more
or less uniquely with that individual and often has some
meaning in the language from which it derives. The deriva-
tion of the second Name varies from from clan to clan and
moot to moot; in some clans it indicates the trolls family or
clan, in others, it merely serves as a second personal iden-
tifer. The third Name identifes the troll’s clan or moot.
The major trollmoots are located in the Twilight Peaks:
the Stoneclaws and the Swiftwinds to the east, the Blood
Lores and Blackfangs to the west, and the Ironmongers and
Thundersky trollmoots in the central peaks.
Lowland trolls are known to follow human Naming
rituals and pay court in the manner of their human
Sample Names
Bormak, Crygath, Dogul, Emkor, Fograk, Ganlor,
Holdur, Irrgam, Jorkaw, Kaan, Lorrm, Mongur, Narkys,
Orrguth, Osker, Pawkarr, Quindor, Rothur, Starrk, Tahst,
Twak’dar, Urdon, Vigord, Wrogath, Zisgul

A t’skrang begins life with two Names, one chosen by
it’s egg parent before the hatchling breaks its shell, and the
second the Name of the foundation into which it is born. At
kaissa, when the hatchling becomes an adult, it chooses its
third Name. A t’skrang who earns the honor of entering an
aropagoi gain a fourth Name. An honored t’skrang who
undergoes k’soto ensherenk and becomes a lahala accepts
his foundation’s Name as his only Name. T’skrang Names
are often diffcult to pronounce for outsiders.
Sample Names
Aysusul, Ayapagoam, Aychasu, Ch’isha, D’zurr, Gris’kall,
Ka’Daiyen, Kar’rath, Kricklas, Kenshan, Rh’gul lian,
R’ressnosh, San’t, P’shalmar, Schlome, Shisa’kas, Ss’kala,
Syrkhan, T’aysta, T’sabur, T’shystalan, Vash’sten, V’stogas,
Yoke, Z’rrt’shulam


A windling receives his Name from his parents and
Sample Names
Aylaa, Buukh, Cydiilya, Daalan, Ekidii, Faylaa, Ghooru,
Gesaale, Hakudaa, Ijundaa, Joorn, Kaarth, Leeth, Mana-
taas, Nyataij, Osildaas, Poosim, Qendaar, Pooth, Syildijan,
Tinsoo, Ukayaar, Vaylaa, Xastiin, Zorisanaal

Hoffe das hilft. :D
AW: Namen

Danke :)

Aber das macht die Wahl nicht einfacher... (Irgendwie stechen da nur T'Skrang und Windlinge raus)
AW: Namen


Ich dachte es gibt vielleicht irgendwelche besonderen Ethnien die man da beachten muss. Weil Barsaive ja in der Südukraine liegt.
AW: Namen

Ahh, Menschen - das ist ein Spezialfall. Die sind in mehrere "Völker" zersplittert. Da gäbe es Djungelbewohner, ein nomadisches Reitervolk etc.
AW: Namen

Theoretisch kannst Du als Mensch auch Realnamen nehmen.
Von einem Scout mit dem Namen Adolf würde ich aber Abstand nehmen, das gibt nur platte Witze. ;)
Wie heisst Du? Adolf.
Was bist Du? Ein Führer. (Habe leider so jemanden auf einem Con gehabt. :( )
AW: Namen

Bis auf die Tskrang ists auch nicht so kriegsentscheident.

Der Nachname is da mMn. wichtiger. Oftmals ein Hinweis auf die Disziplin.
Manche ändern ihren Nachnamen sogar wenn eine Zweitdisziplin dazukommt und fügen ein Hinweis auf eben diese Zweitdisz. im Nachnamen ein.

Unsere Normscout hieß z.B. Shaja Starseeker.

Aber Namen sind doch Schall & Rauch. :)
Oben Unten