- Registriert
- 21. Dezember 2006
- Beiträge
- 234
Hallo zusammen!
Ich habe meine Munchkin und Spiele Sammlung endlich mal etwas sortiert und meine Suchliste aktualisiert und einiges, was ich nicht getauscht bekommen habe in eBay gestellt.
Die folgenden Dinge suche ich:
Karten (englisch):
Bookmark of…
Ich habe meine Munchkin und Spiele Sammlung endlich mal etwas sortiert und meine Suchliste aktualisiert und einiges, was ich nicht getauscht bekommen habe in eBay gestellt.
Die folgenden Dinge suche ich:
- Beisst! 1 - Lesezeichen der kraftvollen Bevollmächtigung (mit rotem Pegasus)
- Bookmark of forbidden Knowledge
- Fantasy - +3 Bookmark of Munchkin Mastery
- Star Munchkin - Bookmark of Blatant Cheating! (schmal)
- Lesezeichen aus anderen Ländern
- Heart of the Anomaly
- Promo Karten aus Ländern neben DE und USA
- Star Munchkin 1 - Das Ultimative Star Munchkin 2-Release Handtuch
- Super Munchkin 1 - Die Super Munchkin Unterhose (rot)
- Spiel (XL)
- Crusade (XL)
- Polnische Shirts (XL)
- Lovely Loot (weiß) (XL)
- Munchkin Fu (XL)
- Star Munchkin (XL)
- Apokalypse Shirt (XL)
- Munchkin - Babe
- Munchkin - Cleric
- Munchkin - Dungeoncrawler´s Paradise
- Munchkin - Mischen Possible
- Munchkin - Munchkin im Mixer
- Munchkin - Powergaming Deluxe
- Munchkin 2 (mittel)
- Munchkin beisst! (groß)
- Munchkin Fu (Lesezeichen Version)
- Munchkin 1.5 (polnisch)
- Munchkin Fantasy 1 Poster
- Tavern Pint Glass Dragon
- Tavern Pint Glass Head
- Tavern Shot Glass
- Tavern Tote Bag
Karten (englisch):
- Twisp & Catsby
- Lie to your own Webcam
- Shortbeard
- Mystic Correspondence (sepia)
- Last Laugh (sepia and coloures)
- John Kovalic draws a wandering Monster (sepia)
- Step-and-a-half (coloured)
- Cut in Line
- Henchmonster
- Touched by Cthulhu
- Mug the Shopkeeper (coloured)
- Santa´s little Elvis
- Nativity Scene
- Ghost Hands
- GUAL (Fantasy, blank)
- Eat Santa´s Cookies
- Venison Benison
- The Gun
- The Luggage
- Rescue Conan
- Whim of the elder Gods (promo back)
- Monstrous Heritage (promo back)
- Cultist (Kovalic)
- Cult Membership Card
- Cultist (Goomi)
- Madness Pyrophobia
- Evil Ted
- Behind Door Number 3
- Igor Ichor
- My Little Cthulhu
- GUAL (Cthulhu, blank)
- Love thy Neighbor
- Asplode their Heads
- Weirdly Bearded
- Zombies blank treasure card
- Axe Cop
- Zombie Santa
- Made in Hong Kong
- Fairy Dust-Up
- Rigged Demo Promos: Stacked Deck, 1/3-Breed, Ultra Munchkin, Portable Hole, Cheat with both hands (all sepia coloured)
- Cursed Demo Promos: Miskatonic University Honorary Degree, Trade Character Sheets (promo back), Stars are cruel (promo back), Mi-Go Mind Switch (promo back), Embrace the Madness, Research Assistant, Monstrous Heritage, Shuggoth Shuffle
- 3D Glasses
- Revealing Costume
- Caipiranha (sepia)
- Werhamster 40 Kilo (sepia)
- Dschinn Tonic
- Rosarote Puma
- Lung-Fu
- Blutschwert der Macht (signed and blank)
- Dampfross (treasure back)
- Dampfross (door back)
- Erzwungener Additionsfehler
- John Kovalic zeichnet ein wanderndes Monster
- Evil Stevie ändert die Regeln
- Mystische Übereinstimmung
- Mein kleiner Cthulhu
- Störtebeker (tournament price)
- Kleiner Held Mietling
- Piratten
- Die Sterne sind grausam (tournament price)
- Igor-Sekret
- Zombie Weihnachtsmann
- Schatzkiste des Gleich-Ziehens
- Traktorstrahl
- Conan hilft Dir
- John oft he Dead
- Vordrängeln
Bookmark of…
- Adventure Time (slim; rule version: 1.0, August 2013)
- Barbaric Bludgeoning (slim; rule version: 1.0, October 2012)
- Bimodal Bifurcation (wide; rule version: 1.00, February 2009)
- Blatant Cheating (slim; rule version: 1.00, December 2003)
- Blatant Cheating (wide; link:
- Blatant Cheating (wide; link:
- Brains (slim; rule version: 1.00, May 2013)
- Brains (wide; rule version: 1.00, May 2010)
- Cavalry Charges (slim; rule version: 1.0, April 2012)
- Cheesy Promotional Bookmark of Power (slim; rule version: 1.2, August 2011)
- Cheesy Promotional Bookmark of Power (wide; link:
- Cheesy Promotional Bookmark of Power (wide; link:
- Chopping off Heads (wide)
- Clowntrooper Chaos (wide; link:
- Dark Vilness (wide; link:
- Dungeon Mastery (wide; link:
- Eclerical Erroneousness (wide; link:
- Eclerical Erroneousness (wide; link:
- Esoteric Empowerment (slim; rule version: 1.00, April 2008)
- Esoteric Empowerment (wide; link: without)
- Esoteric Empowerment (wide; link:
- Festering Jestering (wide)
- Gol-Darned Gunslinging (slim; rule version: 1.00, April 2013)
- Gol-Darned Gunslinging (wide; link: without)
- Gol-Darned Gunslinging (wide; link:
- Half-Horsing Around (slim; rule version: 1.0, April 2012)
- Her Majesty´s Secret Circus (slim; rule version: 1.00, April 2008)
- Her Majesty´s Secret Circus (wide; link: without)
- Her Majesty´s Secret Circus (wide; link:
- Hexahedral Retrieval (slim; rule version: 1.0, April 2012)
- Holiday Cheer (slim; rule version: 1.00, May 2009)
- Holiday Cheer (wide; rule version: 1.00, May 2009)
- Hong Kong Wrongness (wide; link:
- International TableTop Day (slim; rule version: 1.0, March 2013)
- Ladies of Ragnarok (slim; rule version: 1.0, September 2012)
- Portable Respawning (slim; rule version: 1.00, January 2009)
- Portable Respawning (wide; link: without)
- Powerfull Empowerment (wide; link:
- Random Axe of Kindness (slim)
- Re-Sealing (slim; rule version: 1.0, October 2012)
- Shelter Skelter (slim; rule version: 1.0, April 2012)
- Shipshape Sailing (slim; rule version: 1.00, January 2009)
- Shipshape Sailing (wide; rule version: 1.01, August 2011)
- Sloppy Summoning (wide; link:
- Soggy Smiting (wide; rule version: 1.00, February 2009)
- Sparkly Good Monster Mayhem (slim; rule version: 1.01, February 2012)
- Sparkly Good Monster Mayhem (wide; rule version: 1.00, May 2009)
- Udder Ridiculousness (wide; link:
- Unspeakable Doom (wide; link: without)
- Unspeakable Doom (wide; link:
- Well-Dressed Hero (wide; link: without)
- Well-Dressed Hero (wide; link:
- Winged Helmet of Swiftness (slim; rule version: 1.0, August 2008)
- Winged Helmet of Swiftness (wide; link:
- der abgrundtiefen Scheusslichkeit (wide)
- der Fehlerhaften Beschwörung (wide)
- der Gehirne (wide)
- der kraftvollen Bevollmächtigung (slim and tall)
- der kraftvollen Bevollmächtigung (wide)
- der Macht (wide; new version)
- der Macht (wide; old version)
- des Clowntrooper-Chaos (wide)
- des erhabenen Scharfsinns (wide)
- des geflügelten Helms der Schnelligkeit (wide)
- des himmelschreiend offensichtlichen Schummelns (wide)
- des Hong Kong Wrong (wide)
- des tragbaren Respawnens (wide)
- des Wiederversiegelns (slim and small)
- Misprint D10 Promo Dice with small numbers (red, blue, white, green, yellow, white, black)
- +6 Bag Rainbow D6 (sealed)
- Glow-in-the-Dark Jumbo D6 (sealed)
- Wicked Die Holiday Edition (sealed)
- Dice of Protection (sealed)
- Booty Dice Set: 1x D10, 2x D6, Bag (sealed)
- Copper D6
- Quest Jumbo D6 red-black
- Happy 4e!
- 10th Aniversary
- Merry Munchkin Holiday
- Santa Trap
- Monstrous Christmas
- 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- Blue Coin
- Christmas Coin Sets 2010, 2011 (sealed)
- Quest Gold Piece
- Tavern 2013 Sticker
- Tavern Coaster 2013
- Quest Tavern Coaster
- Plutonium Dragon Batch
- Male Munchkin Batch
- Munchkin Tattoo
- Get More Loot Postcard
- Fairy Dust Bag
- Level Counter (sealed)
- Rigged Demo (sealed)
- Cursed Demo (sealed)
- 10th Anniversary Shot Glas
- Quest Troll Booth Set (sealed)
- Bracelet of Slapping
- Rule Slip “Go up a Level” with blue ball (GenCon 2012)
- Female Pawns (all incl. blue ball): clear, black, glow-in-the-dark (GenCon 2012)
- Male Pawns (incl. blue ball): glow-in-the-dark (GenCon 2012)
- Booster 2010
- Booster 2011
- Beisst! Promo Sticker
- Cthulhu Release-Vereran Button
- X-Mas Button
- Kultistenausweis