

23. Februar 2005

Also das hier ist ein entwicklungswerk.... lest und urteilt selbst Kritik ist willkommen

Das ursprüngliche

[font=VERDANA,ARIAL,HELVETICA] ~when the moon turned red~

I'm drowning
laying in cold water
with a taste of warm blood
embracing you in memories
looking to the moon above
so sad smiling at me

Smiling back
I know that he'll turn red
happy laughing
don't know why I was crying
but now I'm addicted to this pain
Loving to be hurt

Closing my eyes
enjoying my last pleasure
Finally I know
I love to die with pain
and I can't love again
eat my heart that sets me free

und nach einiger zeit des nachdenkens... und gefallen am mond...
entstand schließlich dieses:


the night is so cold
I shiver in darkness
miss your arms holding me tight
but now I'm lost without light

embracing you in memory
looking to the moon above
so sadly smiling to me
he knows I miss my love

still tasting your sweetness
I cry without a sound
walking so hopeless
feeling my incurabel wound

silvershine is leading me
to a secret place
asking myself "where is she?"
stumbling in life's maze

I'm half-blinded of a sudden light
eyes to earth I feel confusion
an warm embrace so tight
please don't be an illusion

closing my eyes I know
your love will always be
where ever I might go
please stay forever with me

das sind zur zeit noch meine tiefsten gedanken (ja der post ist doppelt im "tiger& schmetterling - thread)
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