Living Forgotten Realms


Start der jährlichen Living Campain


izard startet im Zuge der Aktualisierung ihres Kampagnensettings Forgotten Realms für D&D4 ihre Living Campaing.
Sinn und Zweck der Living Campain ist, dass diese Kampagne von Wizards und den Teilnehmern gemanagt wird, die dafür Mitglied in der RPGA, einer Art Rollenspielclub sein müssen. Jede Region der Welt hat einen entsprechenden Teil in den Vergessenen Reichen, für Nordeuropa sind die “Dalelands” vorgesehen. Der Ausgang der Abenteuer welche heruntergeladen und gespielt werden und als Report zurückgesendet beeinflussen die weltweit laufende Kampagne. Dazu heißt es:

What is Living Forgotten Realms?
Living Forgotten Realms (or LFR for short) is a new regionalized RPGA Living campaign, and the first to utilize the new 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons rules. Players create characters and assign them to a specific region set in the Forgotten Realms. Characters can be played in any LFR adventure that supports their levels of play, anywhere. All non-special LFR adventures will be available for play no matter where you live in the world. As your character plays adventures, it earns experience points, gold, and magic items which stay with you from game to game. There are dozens of unique adventures each year!
What Do I Need to Play?
In order to participate in the Living Forgotten Realms campaign, you’ll need the same things you’d need for any other D&D game (Player’s Handbook, dice, character sheet), plus a few other things.

  • You’ll need to get an RPGA number to play, as this will track your play officially and allow you to earn RPGA Rewards points. You can obtain an RPGA number when you attend your first Living Forgotten Realms event, or check out the information posted in the Wizards Help Site.
  • You’ll need to print out your first adventure log and advancement tracker. Both of those documents can be found in the RPGA Character Creation Guide, available on the Character Creation page.
  • You might also want to have a copy of the Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide(available September 16, 2009). This book introduces tons of new options for your character! Check out the sneak peek on the Character Creation page!

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e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Abenteuer, Dragon, Dungeon, Dungeons & Dragons, Forgotten Realms, Kampagne, Kampagnensettings, RPGA
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