Kennt einer dieser Pfad?


24. April 2003
Aus meiner Lieblingsrubrik `Kennt einer...´, Kennt einer den thaumaturgischen Pfad: The Path of Nature's Touch

Ich habe leider keine Hinweise auf das Regelwerk.

AW: Kennt einer dieser Pfad?

The Path of Nature's Touch
This path is unique, and provides a great deal of insight into the true nature of that which is
Vampirism. Somewhat akin to the Hermetic path of Elemental Mastery, it concerns
connecting the thaumaturge to Nature, allowing communication and control over living plants
and lower life forms. It does not allow control over or communication with organic materials
that are no longer alive (leather). Kindred who are afflicted with the Flaw that Living plants
will wither in their presence cannot, sadly, work this path.
* The Voice of the Mother: This level of the path allows the Magus to receive impressions
from plants, insects and low forms of life (worms, spiders, etc). Although these creatures are
not sentient, by interpreting the impressions from a number of plants and creatures in an area,
a Magus can gain an idea of what took place recently, or, in a densely populated place like a
forest, what is happening elsewhere in the forest. Note that plants such as trees do not notice
a great deal of what does not intimately concern them (fire, trees being cut down, etc). Use
of this level of the path does not require a Blood Point. Drastic events taking place in densely
crowded areas of vegetation such as forests can be communicated throughout the length and
breadth of the region, from plant to plant.
System: The Magus rolls Wits + Linguistics against a difficulty of 7 to see if she can properly
interpret the impressions that the surrounding plants and lower life forms are giving off. The
more successes, the more that can be understood, ranging from brief flashes of disconnected
concepts to a fairly clear impression of what has recently happened or is happening within the
domain of these life forms.
** The Mother's Influence
This level of Mastery of the path gives the Magus limited control over plants and lower life
forms. By channeling his or her own potent life force through the expenditure of Blood
Points, the Magus can cause vines to snake around opponents' limbs or direct swarms of
insects at targets or areas. The life forms to be controlled must be in the immediate vicinity of
the Magus (15 - Generation x 10'). The control lasts for approximately ten minutes, after
which another Blood Point must be spent. Note that vines are not very strong unless in large
numbers (figure 1 Strength dot per every 2 vines wrapped around an opponent); so unless
one is near an ivy-covered wall, a Kindred or strong Kine could easily rip them apart. In
addition, swarms of stinging insects may be horrifying and potentially lethal to Kine, but are a
mere annoyance to Kindred. However, this ability comes in very handy in a variety of
System: The Magus makes a Willpower roll versus a difficulty of 6 and expends a Blood
Point to use the path level. Then she makes a Manipulation + Survival roll versus a difficulty
of 7. The more successes gained on the roll, the more control the thaumaturgist gains over the
plants or creatures she is attempting to influence (they must be within line of sight), ranging
from being able to make a vine slowly creep towards a target at an inch a minute, or one or
two insects to obey a limited directive, to having a great number of vines leap from a wall and
entangle a target, or a large swarm of insects, as from a nearby wasp nest, will rush to obey.
*** Call to Arms: At this level of Mastery, the Magus gains two abilities. She can summon
lower life forms from a distance to serve her will, and has gained enough control over plant
life to enable her to bond them into new forms. Thus, a Magus can draw on the plant life
around herself and create a Wall of Thorns, or a new form of plant. There must be enough
living organic material around the Magus to create the form; if done properly, the form will be
able to exist, and will not die out over time. Extreme caution should be used while exercising
this ability, as a new form of plant life may be too aggressive for the local environment to
handle, and it may soon supplant other plants. It is highly recommended that new plant life
created be created (a) sterile, and (b) without the ability to grow unchecked. Beyond these
restrictions, the Magus can experiment freely.
System: There are two systems, one for summoning lower life forms and another for
manipulating and bonding plants. Each requires a Willpower roll against a difficulty of 6 and
the expenditure of two blood points.
To summon lower forms of life, the Magus must make a Charisma + Survival roll against a
Base difficulty of 6 (or lower/higher, depending on the area and scarcity of creatures -- it's
easier to summon large quantities of insects in a jungle than it is in the scorched heat of a
desert). The number of successes rolled determines the number of beings that will show up,
as well as from how far they will come to answer the Magus's call. It may also, at the
Storyteller's discretion, represent the amount of control the Magus has over the summoning
(i.e., she wishes to summon only wasps, not all flying insects). The summoning will be "heard"
approximately 500 yards distant per success. All lower forms of life that are summoned will
respond to the call. (1 Yard = 1,0936 Meter)
To bond plants, the Magus rolls Manipulation + Survival. The number of successes indicates
how well the bonding has occurred (three successes indicates a fully stable construct), as well
as how large the form may be. This power will never make a plant intelligent, nor can it force
a plant to perform instinctive actions that it would not have before the bonding (i.e., trying to
turn a Rose into a Venus Fly Trap).
**** Becoming One with Nature: This level of mastery of the path is somewhat similar
with the Protean Discipline's Earth Meld, in that she who has achieved it may sink into the
Earth. However, the Magus may also enter into other organic plant forms that are large
enough to hold her (a large tree). This form must be solid, and cannot have spaces (such as
bushes). This melding takes approximately a minute, as does exiting the melded form.
System: The Magus expends two blood points of energy and makes a Stamina + Survival roll
against a difficulty of 7. If she is successful, she begins to meld with the Earth or plant form.
The downside of this is that any damage taken by the plant form will also be taken by the
thaumaturgist; it's easy to perish in a forest fire.
***** The Stream of Life: This power allows the thaumaturgist to draw upon the life force
of a plant or lower life form to replenish her own life force and heal herself. This level may
effectively be used to help the Master of this path replenish her Blood Pool.
Note that this ability touches very closely upon the true nature of Kindred; they exist as
parasites, by consuming the life-force of others. There is no need to consume it via the coarse
medium of Blood; it can be taken directly from living creatures through the use of Blood
Thaumaturgy level 4, or from living plants using this level of The path of Nature's Touch.
Note that any lower life form, not just plants, can be used, including insects and bacteria.
Though there is not much life essence in bacteria, draining it away effectively stops growth,
killing the bacteria.
Extensive use of this utmost level wreaks changes in the Kindred. The skin, normally a pale
white or sallow color, becomes suffused with a faint green tint, slowly darkening to a mottled
green/grey and brown over the course of a century or so. After this century-long change, the
Magus feels a strong attachment to the forest, and will rarely, if ever, leave it. Forest and
nature spirits will come at the Magus's call as though commanded by the path of Spirit
Thaumaturgy, and animals will have no fear of the Magus whatsoever. Indeed, they will act to
protect her if she is threatened.
The thaumaturgist can draw from the life force of all forms of plants, from flowers to
extensive, mile-long branching root networks and towering redwood trees. The Magus deals
one point of damage to the target plant for every point of energy taken; that's not a big deal
for giant trees such as redwoods, but smaller plants will become sickly and even die if more
than half of their life force is removed.
General Guide
1 Blood Point
20 fresh flowers/Beehive
2 Blood Points
Large hedge or Bed of Ivy
4 Blood Points
Small tree
6 Blood Points
Mid-sized tree
8 Blood Points
Large tree
10 Blood Points
100 sq. ft. of Jungle
20 Blood Points
Giant sequoia (redwood)

System: The Magus rolls (Stamina + Survival), and will gain one blood point per success, at
the cost of one Health Level of damage to the form that she is draining.
AW: Kennt einer dieser Pfad?

Ah. Also kein Tremere-Pfad. Hatte gerade nachgeblättert und den nämlich nicht gefunden.

Das hört sich wie eine andere Ausformulierung von Abwombwe an. Aber ist es eben nicht, sondern etwas für einen Magus.

Ich kannte diesen Pfad bis gerade nicht.

AW: Kennt einer dieser Pfad?

Mhm, nein, der ist es nicht. Ich vermute, es ist ein Pfad für Magus, da kenne ich mich aber nicht aus.
AW: Kennt einer dieser Pfad?

Doch, das ist einwandfrei der Grüne Pfad aus dem Cammihandbuch.
Der Pfad wurde von den Silianischen Tremere praktiziert. Eine heute ausgelöschte Gruppierung. Manche alten Tremere haben die Geheimnisse jedoch gerettet.
AW: Kennt einer dieser Pfad?

Mhm, Paralelen bestehen da, aber die Bezeichnungen und Formulierungen sind komplett anders.
AW: Kennt einer dieser Pfad?

Hm, Paralellen bestehen tatsächlich. Ist aber definitiv nicht der grüne Pfad.
Ich dachte auch, es könnte evtl. dieser telyaven Pfad sein, hab aber nachgeschaut, ist er auch nicht. Auch bei Ogham hab ich zuerst gedacht, es könnte es sein, ebenfalls nachgeschaut - ist es nicht. Koldun kann man auch ausschliesen, zumindest, soweit ich mich richtig erinnere.

Vielleicht würde ja schon weiterhelfen, wenn du posten könntest, wo du das ganze her hast!

Momentan würde ich aber auf eine Eigenkreation tippen, welche Eigenschaften aller oben genannten Pfade und Disziplinen aufweißt.
AW: Kennt einer dieser Pfad?

Aber ist es eben nicht, sondern etwas für einen Magus.
Magi haben keine Pfade, sondern einzelne Sphären, aus denen sie sich ihre Effekte zusammenbasteln. Derartig präzise und starre Regeln, was eine bestimmte Stufe macht, kämen bei Magus nie vor.

Ja, der Pfad hat ne gewisse Ähnlichkeit mit dem Grünen Pfad aus dem Cama-handbuch, dürfte aber eine Eigenkreation sein.
AW: Kennt einer dieser Pfad?

Äh, OK.
Sorry hab da was überlesen.
2 Stufen des Pfades sind tatsächlich nicht zum grünen Pfad zugehörig.
Da hat sich jemand was ausgedacht. :))
AW: Kennt einer dieser Pfad?

Hexenmeister haben im übrigen Pfade, aber der Silanische Pfad des Blutes der Welt ist es nicht.
Oben Unten