Interview with Dr. Steel


8. Juli 2004
Durch die modernen elektronischen Medien, war es mir möglich ein Interview mit Dr. Steel zu führen.


Zeitzeuge: First of all, I would thank you to grant me this interview. Your schedule must be very tight?

Dr. Steel: Ah, by all means. I am delighted to be able to speak with you, my good man. Indeed my schedule is rather full. There seems to be an unending amount of work to be done. World domination is certainly a full time job.

Zeitzeuge: Your goal is to conquer the world. On your homepage you show the visitor three plans to overthrown the world. Why do reveal your plans in advance? It must be counterproductive.

Dr. Steel: My plan for world domination is a very multi-layered one. Though the world is privy to the comical animations displayed on my website, such cartoons are but caricatures. They are bits of entertainment which I imagine the viewer would expect to see associated with a “mad scientist” such as myself.

However my sincere plan for a “world make-over” ,as I prefer to call it, is far more intricate and unique. Though I do look forward to utilizing giant robots at some point in the future.

Hier die offizielle Seite:

Hier die MySpace Seite:

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