Idee zu den Contracts of Smoke

La Cipolla

24. Dezember 2007
Ich mag in besagten Contracts den zweiten Clause nicht. Nevertread erinnert mich zu sehr an den ersten (den ich toll finde), außerdem degradiert es den ersten zu einem Statussymbol und die Contracts als Ganzes schränkt es auch ordentlich ein. Daher folgender Ersatzcontract:

Veil of the Mind **

Roll: Composure + Wyrd
Cost: 1 Glamour
Duration: 1 scene

Sometimes people forget, sometimes people don't even realize things at all. This contract helps a bit in the matter of the forgetful mind. Everyone witnessing your character at whatever he was doing the scene he invoked Veil of the Mind will experience a faster fading memory regarding the Changeling. How fast depends on the successes gained with this contract.
Be aware, everyone target to the contract will only forget facts about the invoking Changeling, not about the event itself. So seeing the fae shot an old man in a back alley could become "someone shot someone in the back alley", even if the forgetting person knew exactly it was the Changeling in the moment the shot went off. Later it could even become "an old man died in the back alley", because the cause of the dead is something leading to the character. Which is exactly what the Wyrd tries to conceal after using this contract. Also, the contract doesn't delete memories from before or after that scene. So a friend seeing your changeling shot someone will forget the fae shot, but he won't forget his friend or what he has done for (or against) him.
Someone knowing the Changeling or taking the witnessed event as important can resist with a Resolve + Composure roll. If he gains more successes than the fae, the time for forgetting is handled as if the changeling would have rolled one success less, and the witness feels he will forget the facts, so he has to hurry. If the faes's successes decrease to 0 this way or the witness rolls a exceptional success, the contract doesn't effect him at all.

1 success: Details after 1 month, the whole thing after 1 season (3 months)
2 successes: Details after 1 week, the whole thing after 1 month
3 successes: Details after 3 days, the whole thing after 1 week
4 successes: Details after 1 day, the whole thing after 3 days
5 successes: Details after 3 hours, the whole thing after 1 day

Minor role in the event witnessed, like bystander or follower of a "main player": 0
One of the major roles in the event: -1
Only participant in the event (like when picking a lock): -2
More than 10 people present when the contract is used: -1
Very familiar people (friends, archenemies, family) present: -2

Vielleicht fühlt sich noch jemand genötigt, diesen Contract zu übernehmen. Ich höre mir auch gern die Argumente für Nevertread an, aber wie gesagt, ich finde, zwei Contracts zum Thema Fußspuren sind zu extrem, zumal der erste das Ganze viel interessanter löst.
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