kostenloses Reign Setting
Greg Stolze hat sein Versprechen wahr gemacht, nachdem via Kickstarter sein Rollenspielsetting Nain zu seinem System Reign erfolgreich unterstüzt wurde stellt Greg das gute Stück nun zum kostenlosen Download.
Zum Setting heißt es:
NAIN is a complete, fully laid out miniature setting for the REIGN roleplaying game . If the ransom is met, I’ll release the PDFs onto the internet, for free, in perpetuity.
Inspired by JK Rowling, Fritz Leiber and Gormenghast, Nain is a kingdom dominated by wizards. Any family could have an enchanter born into it, waiting to be swept into one of the three great schools to harness his power.
The supplement contains…
* A description of the nation, its tragic history, and its uncertain future.
* Descriptions of enchantment’s peculiar monsters, with an easy One-Roll system for generating more.
* Company stats for the great families of wizardry, their hidden rivals, and the secretive cabals that pursue magical enlightenment… or the darkest of blasphemies.
* A redesigned magic system, built from the ground up to provide flexibility, uncertainty, and character focus. Knowledge is the spark of sorcery, but passion is the fuel.
Links:Inspired by JK Rowling, Fritz Leiber and Gormenghast, Nain is a kingdom dominated by wizards. Any family could have an enchanter born into it, waiting to be swept into one of the three great schools to harness his power.
The supplement contains…
* A description of the nation, its tragic history, and its uncertain future.
* Descriptions of enchantment’s peculiar monsters, with an easy One-Roll system for generating more.
* Company stats for the great families of wizardry, their hidden rivals, and the secretive cabals that pursue magical enlightenment… or the darkest of blasphemies.
* A redesigned magic system, built from the ground up to provide flexibility, uncertainty, and character focus. Knowledge is the spark of sorcery, but passion is the fuel.
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(Digital Fingerprint:
e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Download, Greg Stolze, Reign, Rollenspiel, Setting
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