Changeling: Winter Masques


i like mascara
22. März 2007

:eeek: :eeek: :eeek:

:chilli: :chilli: :chilli:

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

Der Inhalt wird interessanter.
Vor allem der Blick auf die asiatischen Courts.
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

Well, Winter Masques, as well as lots of other WW supplements, made the rounds at the International Camarilla Conclave, and the Cam mailing lists are all abuzz. So, I thought I'd bring some of the info to you.

-The book profiles the four Directional Courts of China, as well as the Courts of Moon and Sun of... well, I don't know where yet. The Directional Courts have one shared Contract among them that counts as affinity, and the Courts of Moon and Sun have no affinity Contracts at all.

-The Courts of Moon and Sun have a sort of Seelie/Unseelie thing going. The Sun Court draws its Glamour from shame, and focuses on performing altruistic acts within the community. The Moon Court draws from disgust, and focuses on encouraging selfishness in the area (Randheads, ho!).

-New Contracts for the Seemings.

*The Beasts get Contracts of the Den, which allow them to protect their own home and make a mess of someone else's.
*The Darklings get Contracts of Shade and Spirit, which allow them to talk to and affect ghosts, and apparently open a hole to the Underworld itself (though this is *The Elementals get Contracts of Communion, which allow them to talk to and animate elements of their own type.
*The Fairest get Contracts of Separation, which reflect their "otherness" by physically separating them from the world, allowing them to walk on water and through doors.
*The Ogres get Contracts of Oath and Punishment, which allow them to track down oathbreakers and kick their asses.
*The Wizened get Contracts of Animation, which allow them to learn tools and make them operate on their own.

-And finally, the new Kiths:

Beast: Cleareyes (heightened senses), Coldscales (no emotions), Rot Eaters (resistance to toxins and disease), True Friends (pets, bonuses to allies), Chimera (animal mishmash, bonus to hobgoblins), Coyote (trickster, bonus to persuasion and subterfuge), and Nix (German mermaid, penalty to others' social rolls)

Darkling: Lurk Glider (Mothman; glide ability, like with the Windwing Kith), Moonborn (madmen, give others or selves derangements), Nightsinger (hypnotic songs), Palewraith (defense bonuses when in shadow), Razorhand (Freddy Krueger, spend Glamour to turn fingers into knives), Whisperwisp (spies, bonuses to Empathy and Subterfuge), Illes (pretty trolls, the ones with tails under their dresses; Social bonuses), Pishacha (Hindu demon; give others derangements by licking them), Skogsra (Danish wood spirit, command animals).

Elemental: Blightbent (pollution elemental w/ toxic attack), Levenquick (lightning-based, heightened Initiative and speed), Metalflesh (bonus to Resistance checks), Sandharrowed (sandy, bonus to Grapple checks), Apsaras (Hindu fog spirits, can change another's Vice for 24 hours), Ask-wee-da-eed (Native American will-o-the-wisp that can force others to reroll), Di-cang (Buddhist earth spirit, removes wound penalties).

Fairest: Flamesiren (penalizes others w/ fiery aura), Polychromatic (light based, penalize Empathy checks made against it), Shadowsoul (bonus to Intimidation checks, can purchase Darkness Contracts at reduced cost), Telluric (celestials who always know what time it is), Treasured (put up on pedestals, can reroll failed Resistance checks), Gangharva (Hindu androgyne, bonus to Expression and Persuasion checks), Succubus/Incubus (demons, bonus to social checks against person with same Vice), Weise Frau (German "woman in white", bonus to Defense for others, with higher Defense bonus for children).

Ogres: Bloodbrute (pit fighter, bonus w/ improvised weapons), Corpsegrinder (corpse eaters, bonus against wounded foes), Render (reduce Durability of objects attacked), Witchtooth (old forest hags of legend, bonus to Occult rolls and activating curses), Daitya (Hindu titans with bonus to attacking objects), Oni (can drink blood to heal own wounds), Troll (can add Strength to Social challenges)

Wizened: Author (bonus to Expression checks with written word), Druge (brownie types, can do chores faster when not observed), Gameplayer (spend Glamour to automatically decode riddles and beat mental games), Miner (gains a special code called "Tappingspeak"), Gremlin (break tools easily), Pamarindo (Italian goblin that can easily feed others... I don't know), Thusser (Nordic little folk who can hypnotize people with music).

Das Buch wird gekauft.
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

Fand das Buch zufällig im Laden, wurde gleich mal gekauft. Jetzt brauch ich nur noch Zeit zum Lesen. *gnarl*
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

Na und, bisher konnte man die Sachern bei denen auch immer ein paar Tage vorher bestellen.
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

Normalerweise ist DragonWorld dann ein bis zwei Tage früher mit Ordern dran. Diesmal leider nicht. X(
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

Sitz hier auch schon und warte auf die Mail das ich bei Dragonworld ordern kann... :nixwissen:
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

jupp ebenfalls, aber vor morgen früh wird das wohl nix, oder? (kenn mich bei denen jetz nich aus, wann die aktualisieren).
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

Schon geil wie sehr das neue Changeling begehrt ist.

Überall sind schon lange GRW und Autumn Nightmares ausverkauft...und das wo Weihnachten vor der Tür steht...hoffentlich kommt bald die nächste WW-GroßLieferung nach Deutschland.
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

also vor 2 Wochen hatten die bei Dragonworld so für 2 Std beides vorrätig :) gut dass ich beides schon seit Sepember (oder August, wann kam das GRW raus?) hab.
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

Ich glaub ich warte eh bis alle Quellenbücher draußen sind, so wie bei Promethean, das hab ich auch komplett in einem Zug gekauft.

Aber schon geil, Promethean ist qualitativ sicherlich nicht so viel schlechter, auch designtechnisch nicht, aber Changeling dagegen verkauft sich echt wie geschnitten Brot. Im WWLiveJournal rätseln sie auch selbst drüber. :D
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

Promethean interessiert mich nicht so sonderlich, hab zwar das Grundbuch und Strange Alchemies und Magnum Opus (Sonderangebot zur Schließung von Highscore Games sei Dank). im Schrank stehen aber wirklich lust auf 'ne Promethean Cronik hab ich nicht.
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

Ja aber mir gehts ja eher um das "Phänomen" bzw. den Hype um Changeling.

Ich glaub der ein oder andere Promethean Autor ist doch ein bisschen frustriert, dass The Created nicht so gut läuft wie aktuell The Lost. Die Leute fressen in der Hinsicht ja White Wolf ziemlich aus der Hand.
AW: Changeling: Winter Masques

Kann mir schon vorstellen, dass die sich vor Wut in den Arsch beissen (oder ihre Hüte futtern --> Klaas Klever).
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