AW: Blutlinie für schottischen Musiker mit Hang zum Arschloch gesucht
eine BLutlinie für schottische Musiker die Arschlöcher sind gibt es (noch) nicht.
DAS würde ich so nicht sagen ......
Description: The Carnon were a mistake. The first of these so-called Horned Gods was a San Francisco vampire who had confused Wiccan writings and the monomythic analysis of cultural anthropologists with historical fact. The descendant of this first Carnon worship him not like a god but rockstar. Tonight they call him John Carnon, and nobody cares that it?s wrong. John Carnon?s Requiem was no more than five years from end to end. Through blood and culture the Carnon has managed to spread through most of the western world. They are still self-aggrandizing pagan rockers waging a gauche guerilla war against a close-minded, old fashioned Kindred church.
Nickname: Horned Gods or Bucks
Bloodline Discipline: Nightmare
Covenant: Mostly Circle of the Crone. Some have spread into Carthian Movement and Invictus. Also the Ordo Dracul attracted a few. Tonight, none has joined the Lancea Sanctum for the first Canons rhetoric against them. In practice, however, many Carnon actually get along just fine with the local parish.
Weakness: Gangrel weakness. In addition, Carnon must endure the Beast?s gradual usurpation of his body. As his Humanity spirals lower, his body alters into that of a mystical wild man, growing a tangled-crusted beard even if he had none in life. His eyes yellow and twist into those of a goat. His teeth yellow and take on animal-like, predatory shape that cannot be hidden. Also, a Carnon does not simply appear distorted in reflections of photographs ? he appears as a horned shape. Also, as the Carnon?s Blood Potency increases, his physical changes become shockingly drastic. His forehead sprouts unmistakable horns or branching antlers.
Character Generation: Limited ? the Carnons are a very young bloodline tracing their history back only to the 1960s and originate from the US. They have spread ever since, but still are rare outside the Americas.
Source: Circle of the Crone, p. 168-171