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    Open Grave Excerpts: Rituals and Artifacts

    In today’s Open Grave preview, we introduce a look at rituals, an artifact, and the book's table of contents! Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    This month in Dungeon, the Scales of War adventure sees the PCs returning victorious to Overlook... but their welcome is wearing out; here now are a full set of the illustrations from Dungeon 161! Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    This month in Dungeon, the Scales of War adventure sees the PCs returning victorious to Overlook... but their welcome is wearing out; here now are a full set of the maps from Dungeon 161! Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 12/24/2008

    At level 4 I raised my Constitution from 13 to 14; do I gain an additional hit point and healing surge? Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    In today’s Open Grave preview, we introduce a new campaign arc: in a kingdom ruled by vampires, the PCs must work against and eventually overthrow the inhuman sovereigns. Weiterlesen...
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    Dragon 370 Galleries

    This month in Dragon, we’ve taken a look at the cosmology, visited the Forgotten Realms, and delved into the Demonweb; here now are a full set of the illustrations from Dragon 370! Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 12/22/2008

    My warlock has the Sneak of Shadows multiclass feat but is already trained in Thievery; can I pick a different skill from the rogue class? Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    We start the rebirth with the latest Dungeon Tiles set: Streets of Shadows, and an encounter featuring a gang of thieves that can range from rooftop to sewer. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    "There exist an infinite number of parallel universes and planes of existence in the fantastic multiverse of D&D. All of these worlds co-exist, but how real each is depends entirely upon the development of each by the campaign referee." Weiterlesen...
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    Manual of the Planes Art Gallery

    "The mortal world drifts as a lonely speck of light and life in the eternal expanse of the astral mists. All these realities that exist beyond the world of mortals are known as the planes of existence..." Here’s the full set of illustrations from Manual of the Planes! Weiterlesen...
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    Open Grave Excerpts: Origins and Society

    In today’s Open Grave preview, we introduce the fabled nation of Hantumah, a realm populated entirely by the unliving. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Just in time for the Holidays: Wizards of the Coast is sponsoring a gift with purchase weekend December 19th - 21st. Visit one of the participating retail locations and purchase any D&D gaming product and get a free miniatures booster pack while supplies last...(More) Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    The majority of the D&DI team right now is focused on getting everything ready for *all* levels (1-30) of content for the Character Builder, which we want ready to go for early next year. We’re still targeting the end of January... (More) Weiterlesen...
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    Dungeoncraft: Creative Pillaging

    Having challenging, exciting adventures for low-level characters is terrific, but it's not sufficient for launching a campaign. You also need enough of those adventures to get the PCs beyond low levels! Weiterlesen...
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    Save My Game: Meditations on Death

    Winter in Seattle is long, damp, chilly, and gray. We're not complaining -- at least it's not frigid. But month after month without seeing the sun wears on a person and turns your thoughts to ... dismal subjects. Weiterlesen...
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    Digital Insider #19

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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Just in time for the Holidays: Wizards of the Coast is sponsoring a gift with purchase weekend December 19th - 21st. Visit one of the participating retail locations and purchase any D&D gaming product and get a free miniatures booster pack while supplies last...(More) Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    If a double sword counts as both a heavy blade and a light blade, does that mean a rogue could take proficiency with one and gain access to both his full Sneak Attack and powers, as well as feats such as Heavy Blade Opportunity… all for one feat? Weiterlesen...
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    P2 Demon Queen's Enclave Art Gallery

    Here they are—a full set of illustrations from our P2 adventure. Use these illos to help show your players what they’re up against in the dark halls of the drow outpost known as Phaervorul! Weiterlesen...
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    P2 Demon Queen's Enclave Map Gallery

    Here they are—a full set of illustrations from our P2 adventure. Use these illos to help show your players what they’re up against in the dark halls of the drow outpost known as Phaervorul! Weiterlesen...
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    Open Grave Excerpts: Origins and Society

    In today’s Open Grave preview, we introduce the origins, the outlook, and the society of the undead. Weiterlesen...
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    Manual of the Planes Excerpts: The Planeshifter

    In today’s Manual of the Planes preview, we bring you a new paragon path: the planeshifter, with extensive knowledge of the planes, and an unrivaled ability to find portals and traverse dimensions. Weiterlesen...
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    Excerpts: P2 Demon Queen's Enclave

    Tieflings have a similar saying: “The only thing worse than being a drow’s foe is being a drow’s ally.” Deep within the earth, in the dark halls of a drow outpost called Phaervorul, adventurers will learn the truth behind these statements. Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 12/12/2008

    If I am playing a half-elf fighter and take hellish rebuke as my Dilettante power, how do I gain an implement for the power? Weiterlesen...
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    Adventurers of the Realms

    The Forgotten Realms setting is a vast place, and heroes can emerge from anywhere. A wide selection of regions provides inspiration for determining a character's background as well as a regional benefit. Weiterlesen...
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