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    Ask Wizards: 02/13/2009

    What implements can I use with powers granted by my paragon path or epic destiny? Weiterlesen...
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    Dragon 372: Secrets of the City Entombed

    Necromancy is feared and viewed with horror by most. But some who practice this blackest of arts know that power of any sort, when wielded by a just and wise hand, can be bent to serve any master for good or evil. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Here’s an upcoming look at some changes and enhancements to the D&D Compendium, releasing later this month.... Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    After defending the city of Overlook, the heroes have earned some rest and accolades. But an urgent message summons them to a nearby village, then launches them on a chase that leads across the planes. Weiterlesen...
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    Save My Game: Love Me Some Evil

    Every once in a while, players get a hankering to play evil characters. With the right group, evil characters can be fun. But before you start dabbling with the dark side, there are things you should know. Weiterlesen...
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    Bane Wallpaper

    The followers of Bane are numerous, and they pursue the goals of their warlike god with unmatched tenacity. Bane himself fights with the world itself (and the following wallpaper) as his prize. Weiterlesen...
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    Digital Insider: Where We Are

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    Dragon 372: Masters of the Planes

    The planes are a source of power for heroes and villains of all levels and backgrounds. But some lucky few find a way to tap into the epic, fundamental energies at work in the planes, and become their masters Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    A number of questions regarding Living Forgotten Realms play keep popping up lately in places like the forum and D&D Experience. This FAQ addresses some of those questions. Weiterlesen...
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    Spotlight -- Mercenary General

    The Mercenary General is a Champion of the little people. He gives hope to all those poor figures who might otherwise be sent out for the sole purpose of getting run over by some mid-level beater looking for target practice. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    What do D&D XP and Open Grave have in common? What do the new DDM Dangerous Delves minis actually look like? And when exactly is the forthcoming zombie apocalypse? Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Before the trial reached the end of its first day, Diederic wished that he had let fall his axe, rather than permitting Lambrecht to draw another breath.... Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    In the earliest editions of D&D and AD&D, every class had a different name associated with it at each level. These names provided a splash of color and also introduced the concept of "name level." Weiterlesen...
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    Dragon 372: Bane

    Called the Black Hand and the Iron General, Bane stands as the god of war and conquest. Bahamut fights for justice, Kord as a show of strength, Gruumsh for love of carnage, but Bane fights with the world as his prize. Weiterlesen...
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    Design & Development: The Gnome, the Bad, & the Ugly

    With the release of Player's Handbook 2 in March, the gnome and the half-orc return to the game. What kept these classic races out of the first Player's Handbook? What made us include them now? Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Eladrin living in the region have been snatched away by stealthy kidnappers. It's up to the characters to figure out where they’ve gone, and who’s responsible in the short Side Trek, "House of Pain." Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    This week, support information for the newly released Character Builder -- as well news about what you’ll find this coming weekend in New York! Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Eladrin living in the region have been snatched away by stealthy kidnappers. It's up to the characters to figure out where they’ve gone, and who’s responsible in the short Side Trek, "House of Pain." Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Paragon tier is more than just another series of adventures. It's a rite of passage of sorts, from the adventurous to the wondrous, from local to regional, from the minor leagues to pro ball. We could keep going, but you get the point. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Post-D&D Experience, we take a look at delves, carnage, gnomes -- and briefly meet Zry’s Slaad Patrol! Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Bill kicks off February in a big way, with thoughts in the D&D Character Builder, a taste of what's coming in worlds support, a sneak peek at the eye-popping map of Khorvaire, a killer epic NPC, and ... the Summoner. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    If Chris's awesome editorials are the only things you ever read here, then man, are you missing out. D&D Insider is loaded with good stuff, including the just-released Character Builder. D&D -- Now better then ever! Weiterlesen...
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    The Shaman, Levels 1-3

    Shamans are inspiring and dangerous battle leaders. They command powerful spirit guides, and through them lead their allies. These nature spirits bolster their allies' attacks and offer protection and healing when needed. Weiterlesen...
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    Dragon 371 Galleries

    This month in Dragon, we’ve taken a look at Hestavar, Playing Dhampyr, and the Legacy of Acererak; here now are a full set of the illustrations from Dragon 370! Weiterlesen...
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