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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Big things are coming in Dungeon Magazine, and they're coming from you! Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    The folks at Penny Arcade and PvP sat down with R&D’s Chris Perkins and James Wyatt to play 4th Edition D&D (for some of them, it was their very first game of D&D). Presenting the sixth episode. Weiterlesen...
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    Converting Your Character: Player's Handbook II

    If you don’t wish to set aside your favorite character in order to start up a new 4th Edition campaign, some amount of conversion will be attempted. To that end, Andy Collins put together the following recommendations. Today: Player's Handbook II. Weiterlesen...
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    Champion's Notebook -- Against the Giants

    This week, we relaunch Commander's Notebook as Champion's Notebook to provide you with a late-breaking, behind-the-scenes peek at warband building in Against the Giants. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    The FINAL VERSIONS of Unhallowed stat cards are ready to be downloaded, printed, and played with. They are now in their final form and legal in tournament play. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    View a gallery of photos of a complete set of the Against the Giants miniatures, the sixteenth set of D&D miniatures. Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 07/03/2008

    I’ve been looking for a printable version of the 4th Edition character sheets. Do you have any suggestions as to where I should start looking? Weiterlesen...
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    Previews for July and Beyond

    Waiting anxiously for the next products available for 4th Edition? Then we have some previews for you! Come take a look. (Just be ready for a hefty dose of Forgotten Realms goodness.) Weiterlesen...
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    Dragon Editorial: Dragon #365

    Over the next several months, we’re going to show you all sorts of new features in Dragon; we’re taking the opportunity to finally launch some of the great ideas we’ve been kicking around the office for more than a year. Weiterlesen...
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    Artificers learn to channel magic into items by using complex chains of sigils and diagrams or by using magical materials. With their skills, they can assemble the perfect magical object for any situation. Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 07/01/2008

    Is residuum silvery or golden? Weiterlesen...
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    Spotlight -- Vrock

    Remember when demons were referred to by type insead of by name? Did they even have names? Well, they do now, and this one is called "Vrock." Rhymes with "flock," as in "be glad you're not facing a ..." Weiterlesen...
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    Save My Game: Roleplaying, Hook, Line, and Sinker

    Dustin was having problems. He just couldn’t get his group to stop hacking, looting, and metagaming. When confronted with a newer, more roleplaying-focused style, they blinked, dumbfounded. Weiterlesen...
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    Design & Development: Under the Hood of the DMG

    What goes into designing a book like the DMG? It's hard to answer that question without using the phrase "the kitchen sink." The DMG is jam-packed with information, and in many ways it's a distillation of the design of the whole edition. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    The Scales of War Adventure Path will premiere in Dungeon #156, July 2008, with the 1st-level adventure “Rescue at Rivenroar,” by Wizards of the Coast designer David Noonan... (More) Weiterlesen...
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    Campaign Classics: Hazards of Dark Sun

    Traveling any desert is risky, but on Athas, as if the heat, sun, and sand weren’t enough, travelers would be warned to keep an eye out for plants like these: the dew frond, sand cactus, and spider cactus. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    We've chosen a few pieces of art to showcase, formatted into handy-dandy desktop wallpaper sizes so your computer doesn't feel left out of the 4th Edition fun. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    The folks at Penny Arcade and PvP sat down with R&D’s Chris Perkins and James Wyatt to play 4th Edition D&D (for some of them, it was their very first game of D&D). Presenting the fifth episode. Weiterlesen...
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    Converting Your Character: Complete Warrior

    If you don’t wish to set aside your favorite character in order to start up a new 4th Edition campaign, some amount of conversion will be attempted. To that end, Andy Collins put together the following recommendations. Today: Complete Warrior. Weiterlesen...
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    Expeditionary Dispatches: Forest of Flesh

    KhrestRhyyl, the Forest of Flesh, is home to the creations of one of the most twisted minds Khorvaire has ever known. This deadly forest is home to all manner of foul creatures, but in this Dispatch, you’ll meet two of the worst: skinweavers. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Do you need a simple, sortable list of all available D&D Miniatures creatures? One that lets you search out every Borderlands creature, or those with Speed 7 or more? We can do that, and so can you. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    How often will you make updates to D&D books? Weiterlesen...
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    Against the Giants Preview 8

    Against the Giants previews are winding down with this, our last glimpse, into the upcoming set. That's why we made this preview hot -- flaming hot, as you'll shortly see. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Shelly continues her quest to DM by interviewing James Wyatt, author of the 4th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide. Weiterlesen...
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    Vor Kragal

    The ancient tiefling empire of Bael Turath was crushed beneath the might of the dragonborn empire of Arkhosia long ago, but remnants of the corrupted tiefling rulers live on in the world. One such vestige of the empire’s glory is the ruined city of Vor Kragal, City of Ash. Weiterlesen...
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