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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Do you remember your first-ever games of D&D? We sure remember ours, and some of them were a long time ago. The game has seen many changes since then, and sometimes, it's instructive to revisit them. Weiterlesen...
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    Player's Handbook 2 Excerpts: Zealous Assassin

    In today’s Player's Handbook 2 preview, we introduce a new paragon path for the barbarian: the frenzied berserker! Weiterlesen...
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    Previews for March and Beyond

    We brave the lair of a giant, monstrous groundhog who prophesizes what's in store for the coming months: including Arcane Power, Monster Manual 2, and DDM Minis! Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Wizards of the Coast passed along several D&DI screenshots to—so here’s your chance to take a sneak peek at the developing Character Visualizer, D&D Game Table, and Dungeon Mapper... (More) Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    This month in Dungeon Magazine -- a wizard finalizes his plans to unleash the horrors of the Far Realms on the world; here now are a full set of the maps (tagged and untagged) from Dungeon 163! Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    This month in Dungeon Magazine -- someone has been kidnapping eladrin from settlements in the Feywild; here now are a full set of the illustrations from Dungeon 163! Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Part 2 continues with a roll for initiative! How well does the newest member of Acquisitions Inc. perform? Well, everyone has trouble their first time. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Before the trial reached the end of its first day, Diederic wished that he had let fall his axe, rather than permitting Lambrecht to draw another breath.... Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    R&D talks a good game about D&D being fun for everyone, but really, their sympathies are all with the DM; any player who's ever missed three attacks in a row knows that. Shelly thinks it's time for a change. Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 02/23/2009

    The update for the swordmage multiclass feat Blade Initiate adds the words "In addition, you can use swordmage implements" to the end of the feat... (More) Weiterlesen...
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    Player's Handbook 2 Excerpts: Frenzied Berserker

    In today’s Player's Handbook 2 preview, we introduce a new paragon path for the barbarian: the frenzied berserker! Weiterlesen...
  12. R

    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    On the last morning of this year's D&D Experience 2009, R&D's Chris Sims and Stephen Radney-MacFarland ran the gauntlet of an open Q&A forum. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    In the lands above, an especially harsh winter was loosening its grip. The last of the snows were melting away, the first bits of green emerging into forest and field. Within the Hill, however, the prisoners were as hot and as miserable as ever. Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 02/20/2009

    Does threatening reach allow a monster an opportunity attack against someone that is shifting if they are not adjacent to the monster? Weiterlesen...
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    Player's Handbook 2 Excerpts: Backgrounds

    In today’s Player's Handbook 2 preview, we take a look at character options, including new racial background options for the deva. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    They're back! The folks at Penny Arcade and PvP sit down once again with Wizards of the Coast for a session of 4th Edition D&D. This time, they've hired a new member for their party—Wil Wheaton! Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Many people have wondered recently, "what can I do with my old D&D books?" The answer is, "keep 'em handy." In the realm of game design, the slogan is, "no good idea goes unlooted." Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 02/18/2009

    Sometimes there is a difference between a table and an entry for a feat, power, magic item, or the like. Which information do I use? Weiterlesen...
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    House of Pain Wallpaper

    Someone has been kidnapping eladrin from settlements in the Feywild. The victims have nothing in common other than race and the misfortune to live in lightly protected dwellings at the edges of habitation. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Another exclusive playtest opportunity is here for D&D Insider subscribers! This time, explore two concepts that will appear in Primal Power. Start playtesting these exciting options with levels 1-3 of the druid! Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 02/16/2009

    If I use a prayer that provides regeneration (such as divine power), do I add my bonus from Healer’s Lore to the power? Weiterlesen...
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    Steal This Hook! - Love for the Undead

    The relentless thud of unliving feet sounds behind you. As fast as you run, you cannot lose them because they never sleep, never tire, never stop. Claws and teeth bared, they seek your blood, your life force, or seek to make you into one of them. Weiterlesen...
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    Player's Handbook 2 Excerpts: Racial Paragon Paths

    In today’s Player's Handbook 2 preview, we introduce racial paragon paths, including a look at one for humans: the adriot explorer. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    At this year's D&D Experience, R&D's Mike Mearls and Chris Sims presented the following seminar on Monster Design—creating new and custom-tailored creatures for your game. Weiterlesen...
  25. R

    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Whatever name the fortress might have borne was long forgotten, lost in the infamy of the ground on which it stood. The fortress was unimportant; it was the man-made hell beneath that mattered. Weiterlesen...
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