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Before tackling a highly competitive event such as the D&D Miniatures Championships at Gen Con, it's good to be familiar with all the possible battlemats you'll face. Here is this year's rundown on the championship maps.
The mighty empire of Nerath fell long ago, and the Bloodspear War devastated the Nentir Vale and surrounding lands. This month, we look at hooks that involve dangers from the unknown wilderness.
It's stat card time. Here are the All-Stars cards for skirmish play, ready to be downloaded and printed out for home use, tournament use, or handy reference. Now's the time to familiarize yourself with the new stats before the championship.
The first of a select few Dungeon adventures to be updated to 4th Edition, "The Last Breaths of Ashenport" is here! The remote seaside town of Ashenport isn’t visited by many, for good reason.
The Warlock Knights are the nobility of Vaasa’s brutal feudal system. Their twisted knightly order is based on an otherworldly being known as Telos that fell to earth during the Spellplague.
The small, remote, and almost unheard-of village of Dolurrh's Dawn is a remarkable place. Here, the heroes of legend were recreated and born to walk the world again, but ignorant of their past deeds.
If you don’t wish to set aside your favorite character in order to start up a new 4th Edition campaign, some amount of conversion will be attempted. To that end, Andy Collins put together the following recommendations. Today: Tome of Battle.
You know what it's like when there's a wasp buzzing in your ear? Darting at your eyes, making threatening swoops toward your nostrils and the back of your neck? Now imagine that it's 8 feet long and drones as loud as a freight train.
Stumped for an idea on your next character? Need a new PC in a hurry? In Character Concepts, we'll give you sample characters, built out in detail from levels 1 to 30 using the existing rules of the game.
Scattered tribes of xenophobic elves hunt down and kill any intruders who attempt to cross this dry, not quite-desert land that outsiders call Elfharrow.
If the closest enemy to a warlock already has another Warlock’s Curse on them, could you then curse the next closest enemy or would you have to move to get a non-cursed enemy closest to you?
The Kincep family once owned a large house in the middle of a sprawling orchard, but now the family is gone, and strange things are happening near the old mansion.
"Out of the frying pan and into the fire" is generally considered to be a bad thing. If you're an efreeti, however, it's a good thing. A very, very good thing. So good that it's going to cost you 92 well-spent points.
The Eminence of Araunt is a far-flung kingdom of the dead whose citizens are linked not by geography, but by a common ideal: that every royal crypt and forgotten corner of the world where undead yet serve masters long gone is actually a principality of Araunt.
Voting is open for the 2008 Ennie Awards, and Wizards of the Coast is well-represented on the ballot. Review the nominees now and be sure to cast your vote before the polls close on August 3rd!
The folks at Penny Arcade and PvP sat down with R&D’s Chris Perkins and James Wyatt to play 4th Edition D&D (for some of them, it was their very first game of D&D). Presenting the eighth episode.