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You have forged a pact with the dark beings that lurk in the shadows of the drow civilization. Spells of darkness, poison, madness, and spite fill your mind.
A warlock sets an airship on a collision course toward the lich’s castle, abandoning the massive craft as it crashes into the topmost tower....
We recognize the important role third party publishing support plays in the success of the 4th Edition of D&D. We have listened to the community and our valued colleagues and have taken their concerns and recommendations to heart... (More)
You probably already know that the Skullcleave Warrior is an amazing fighter who splatters damage around himself like a buzzsaw in a chicken coop. The real question is, what do you do when your opponent has one?
If you don’t wish to set aside your favorite character in order to start up a new 4th Edition campaign, some amount of conversion will be attempted. To that end, Andy Collins put together the following recommendations. Today: Oriental Adventures.
Luruar, also known as the Silver Marches, is a league of three strong cities in the North, populated primarily by humans, half-elves, elves, and eladrin. Nearby dwarven citadels are close allies but no longer part of the confederacy.
August brings us the FR Campaign Guide and the Pyramid of Shadows. Come take a peek at some previews for both of these releases, plus get an idea of what else you can expect to see in the future!
Isolated from the bustle of Returned Abeir, Gontal is a western land that hunkers behind its mountainous border and reveals little of itself to outsiders.
No one weeps for the lowly kobold, and this new entry in their arsenal isn't likely to change that. He might earn them a bit more respect, however, and, after all, it's better to be feared than liked.
Within the pyramid, factions rise and fall, carving out territories and surviving without hope of escape . . . all except for one longtime prisoner, who needs the unwitting aid of some adventurers to free himself from the pyramid.
Creatures of every description hunt Chult’s mysterious, continentwide rainforest, and more than one civilization lies forgotten in the dark heart of the jungle.
Although Gen Con is mentioned, that’s not the real topic this month. Chris recently had a chance to experience something unique—something many of you do frequently in games of your own....
The kingdom of Cormyr is old yet strong and vigorous. This civilized land carved itself out of the wilderness through grit, bravery, and determination. Since then, Cormyreans have had to make difficult choices to ensure their security.
The Warlock Knights are the nobility of Vaasa’s brutal feudal system. Their twisted knightly order is based on an otherworldly being known as Telos that fell to earth during the Spellplague.
It takes a special kind of fighter to be a gladiator. They need to be hard to hit, durable in the face of injury, and dangerous in the square-off. The Tiefling Gladiator stands strong on all three counts.
If you don’t wish to set aside your favorite character in order to start up a new 4th Edition campaign, some amount of conversion will be attempted. To that end, Andy Collins put together the following recommendations. Today: Psionics.
This August, Don Bassingthwaite’s The Doom of Kings releases -- including the following glossary of the Goblin language, which may come in good use for your games!