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Let's say you're interested in getting a Living Forgotten Realms game organized for your group. What do you do? Where do you go? Look no further, the answers are here!
Explore the depths of the ocean with "Sea Reavers of the Shrouded Crags." The PCs are called upon to infiltrate and eliminate a group of raiders terrorizing the coast. An adventure for 15th-level characters.
Beyond the ken of most mortals exists an other-worldly, untamed wilderness of feral beasts and faerie folk. The Deep Wilds epitomizes the raw, unfettered force of nature -- a savage expanse that liberates the spirit of the beast.
This month, we take a break from Greenbrier to talk about James's idea file on all the other campaigns he'd like to run. A file of such ideas is a great tool, because there's no such thing as a wasted idea.
It's stat card time. Here are the Blood War cards for skirmish play, ready to be downloaded and printed out. These are the DRAFT versions of the cards, so register your reactions and comments before the stats are finalized.
Elementals are loose in the R&D department! Peter is extremely busy trying to round them up with a butterfly net, cattle prod, and vacuum cleaner, but he still managed to find enough time to put together a short preview.
Most gnolls are fierce predators dedicated to wanton destruction. But some gnolls reject their demonic heritage to become adventurers. These gnoll heroes pursue more noble causes and seek to push back the tide of darkness.
Brian Thomsen, former executive editor/publisher of TSR Books, passed away on Sunday, September 21st. We here at Wizards of the Coast would like to express our condolences to the Thomsen family.
The Xen’drik Expeditions campaign has concluded, and we will be turning off character tracking for the campaign. You can, however, still play the finale adventures through the end of 2008.
Monsters that can mark players, like the warforged soldier, do not say that another creature’s mark negates an older mark. Can a player be marked by several monsters?
We've chosen a few pieces of art to showcase, formatted into handy-dandy desktop wallpaper sizes so your computer doesn't feel left out of the 4th Edition Forgotten Realms fun.
With the advent of the Spellplague and the passage of a century, many of Faerûn's famous residents have departed to their eternal rewards (or punishments), but others survive ... and the boldest player characters can hope to someday join their ranks.
With the advent of the Spellplague and the passage of a century, many of Faerûn's famous residents have departed to their eternal rewards (or punishments), but others still survive ... and the boldest of player characters can hope to someday join their ranks.
We’ve been discussing the magazines quite a bit in recent days, so we wanted to have a conversation with Chris regarding upcoming features, submissions, and what’s happening with both the barbarian playtest and the Adventure Path.
The PCs return to Overlook as heroes but find that something new threatens the city and Elsir Vale. Now they must discover who is behind the mountain orcs -- and the answer could lead beyond this world, to the Shadowfell!
Dragons may be the most iconic of all D&D monsters, but they're only a tiny fraction of the things that fill up the Monster Manuals. This week's preview shows off one of the new dragons and ... something else.
If you’ve picked up Scepter Tower of Spellgard, you’ve seen the "How to Use the Poster Maps" instructions located in the back of Adventure Book 1 -- here now are the requested maps!
We opened the subject of player management in last month's SMG. There's much more to it than we've covered so far, though, so check in for part 2 of this important discussion.
The question a lot of people have been asking lately is ‘When will the free trial end?’ Read on, to find out more regarding the upcoming subscription plans for D&D Insider...