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    Demonweb Preview 5

    What has four legs, six arms, two hands, and three eyes? A cyclops and a mezzoloth! No, it was not a trick question -- we honestly expect you to be that knowledgeable. If we can think up these riddles, the least you can do is answer 'em. Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 10/08/2008

    I wield a longsword. When I change from one hand to two (or vice versa), what type of action is that? Weiterlesen...
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    Digital Insider #10: The Builder

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    Digital Insider #10: The Builder

    When it comes to beta testing the Character Builder, we’d like to clarify our schedule for the next several months.... (More) Weiterlesen...
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    Save My Game: Let Players Manage Themselves, Part 3

    Our examination of player management concludes with a look at a difficult topic -- psychology. Managing diverse personalities around a table can be tough, but when done properly, it strengthens the group. Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 10/06/2008

    I am wielding a magic weapon with Brutal 2. If I roll a critical hit, do I get to re-roll 1s and 2s for the bonus damage? Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 09/29/2008

    I am wielding a magic weapon with Brutal 2. If I roll a critical hit, do I get to re-roll 1s and 2s for the bonus damage? Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    In this episode, we discuss highlights of higher-level play. Dave Noonan just happens to be running an Epic Tier campaign with several folks here in R&D, and dragged three of his players into the podcast studio to discuss their experiences. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Exclusive to D&D Insider, the barbarian! This Player's Handbook 2 class won't see print until 2009, but you can get a first look at one of the builds for the class here, from levels 1 to 30. Roll up a barbarian today! Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    On a recent vacation trip to Las Vegas, Bill rejoined his long-ago D&D buddies for a weekend of hacking, slashing, door crashing, and monster bashing. Plus, there's "Weekend in the Realms," staff updates, and a Manual of the Planes preview! Weiterlesen...
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    Dragon Editorial: Dragon #368

    This month, we preview the barbarian, and anticipation is high. Folks have been clamoring for the barbarian since the Player's Handbook released. It was one of Chris's favorite 3rd Edition classes -- especially for that sweet, one-level dip! Weiterlesen...
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    Living Forgotten Realms: Adventure Schedule

    Do you want to know what Living Forgotten Realms adventures are available as you plan your next game gathering? Wait no longer! Adventure content continues to roll out weekly. Weiterlesen...
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    Demonweb Preview 4

    Rub-a-dub-dub, three miniatures in a tub. One's common, one's uncommon, and one's rare; one's human, one's humanoid, and one's undead. Can you figure out which is which? We'll tell you; we're not taking any chances. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Halloween is just around the corner, which means that it's time to preview the products that are coming out in October and November. Come take a look at the latest adventure, the starter set for D&D, and more. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    As announced in Digital Insider #9, we’re publishing our current editorial calendar to offer a forthcoming look at the Dragon, Dungeon and free content you can expect throughout the month. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Welcome to October! Later this month we will begin selling subscriptions to D&D Insider, and as we get ready for the big day we’ve changed a few things around the website. Here’s a run-down of the improvements we’ve implemented as of October 1st....(More) Weiterlesen...
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    Digital Insider #9: Updates and Improvements

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    Design & Development: Magic Items

    Magic items went through many variations before seeing the light of day in the Player's Handbook. Everyone agreed that magic items should be secondary to a character's race and class, but that was the easy part. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Erathis has never demanded human sacrifice to preserve the safety of trade routes before. Mysteries abound as the leader of a small trading nation debates whether to risk the wrath of her people or the goddess. For 3rd-level characters. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    The goddess Erathis has never demanded human sacrifice to preserve the safety of trade routes before. Mysteries abound as the leader of a small trading nation debates whether to risk the wrath of her people or the goddess. An adventure for 3rd-level characters. Weiterlesen...
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    Intelligent Weapons

    Through a powerful, unknown ritual or bizarre twist of fate, an item might trap a creature's mind or become sentient over time. These items are scattered throughout the world, usually possessed by their creators or lost to history. Weiterlesen...
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    Spotlight -- Dwarf Warlord

    If you, like all right-thinking people, enjoy playing dwarf-themed warbands, then the Dwarf Warlord deserves some of your attention. He may not be the sturdiest dwarf in the delving, but he brings some terrific champion powers to the fight. Weiterlesen...
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    Sonstiges D&D und Pathfinder News aus den RSS-Feeds

    Running a successful game has given Shelly a newfound sense of security... Her D&D playing friends should feel safe in her presence, for they will never be far from a game with Shelly around. Weiterlesen...
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    Children of Darkness

    With this article, explore renegade drow in greater detail, with new character options that include new racial feats, magic items, and even an epic destiny, among others. Weiterlesen...
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    Ask Wizards: 09/29/2008

    Can a half-elf who has chosen eyebite as his Dilettante power gain a second use of it by taking the Pact Initiate feat? Weiterlesen...
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