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[MTE] Savage Insider Issue 7: End of Days
Pages: 39
Price: Free (RPGNow/DriveThruRPG)

Savage Insider Issue 7: End of Days is all about survival after the apocalypse. The pillar article Technology Lost discusses what conveniences and technology would be lost depending on how the apocalypse affected the world while Religion in a Post-Apocalyptic Age presents information about how the faithful are able to practice their religion in a world without some of our modern conveniences.

End of Days is a post-apocalyptic issue with content placed in an age where life on the new Earth is much different than that which we know today. This issue concentrates more on options and content for post-apocalyptic game play while offering a short adventure and fictional piece that can be interpreted onto your tabletop.

End of Days includes:
  • Post-Apocalyptic Gear to equip your characters
  • 2 flagship articles about life in a post-apocalyptic world
  • A fictional piece set in a post-apocalyptic environment
  • A one-sheet adventure module
  • And more!
The download includes two different versions: a full-color version and a printer-friendly, version without the background.

[TAG] Hellfrost - Land of Fire: New Races

Mac schrieb:
Back when the kickstarter for land of fire was going I made a deal with you that if we got Land of Fire to be a "go", that you would provide a brief description of the new races so I could start integrating them into the ports and what not.

I've been anxiously awaiting this for almost a month now. Figured this could serve as my "poke" on the topic.

Here ya go, Mac!

Cakali -- bipedal jackals; nomadic race. See free preview for full details.

Element-Touched -- broad name. Devoted call them jinn blooded, while Faithful call them god touched. Admired, respected, feared, and hated in equal measure. Humans with very basic innate elemental control. Not a true race, as they must still be Bedu or Hadaree in origin.

Human (Bedu) -- nomads.

Human (Hadaree) -- generic title meaning "person of the town." Basically covers any non-nomad. This is not a unique culture, but rather an umbrella term for all settled people.

Hyaenidae -- bipedal hyenas. Family-oriented nomadic scavengers with a bad reputation among other races.

Sand Goblins -- short, hairy, splayed feet, have a hump like a camel. Lazy, thievish race considered untrustworthy by others.

And that's your lot.

Werecorpse schrieb:
Why 2 anthropomorphic canines ( not others ie snake, lizard, crocodile, birds of prey etc) and no demihuman variants?
Not many human variants either?

( not criticizing just wondering about the thought/ design process)

That's just what came to mind when I was writing. There are lizardmen, gatormen, ophidae (snakemen), and minotaurs, but they're bad guys.

(Anmerkung: Hyänen sind trotz ihres Aussehens Katzenartige. Demnach gibt es genau genommen nur die hundeartigen Cakali)


Probably worth adding something about religion, since it effectively doubles the amount of races (as major viewpoints change depending on one's beliefs).
  • Faithful worship the 13 gods (and lots of minor ones) and disdain magic.
  • Devoted follow a philosophy rather than gods, and openly acknowledge magic as a spiritual (but not Spirit-based) path.
  • You cannot follow both creeds.
  • You cannot follow neither creed.
  • You cannot be a Faithful mage.
  • You cannot be a Devoted cleric.
  • Both creeds honor Suleiman as the father of their belief system.
These are immutable facts in canonical Al-Shirkuh.

What happens in your game is up to you.

McCurmudgeon schrieb:
So are the Bedu, Hadaree, and Element-Touched all different races with different race abilities, or are the Bedu and Hadaree more like cultural differences like Saxa and Anari

Bedu and Hadaree are humans with cultural differences, like Anari and Saxa. Element-touched are essentially human, but come with a few tweaks, and have their own specific entry rather than being listed under Humans.

Greentongue schrieb:
Minotaurs? as in Camel-Men or Bovine-men?

Bovine (hence "taurs"). Desert centaurs are camel-related, rather than horse-related.
TAG Creative Director
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ACHTUNG! Nur für DREI Tage gibt es das folgende Weird Wars Vietnam Abenteuer kostenlos zum Herunterladen:

Blood of the Innocent: A Savage Worlds mission set in the jungles of Evil


Vietnam 1968: As the Tet Offensive pushes forward and casualties mount, dark secrets are at play. Amongst the bloodshed, an ancient evil struggles to be reborn deep in the jungles. They say that in war innocence is the first to die... but it's certainly not the last.

Blood of the Innocent is a Savage Worlds adventure of grim horror set in the chaos of the Vietnam War. As a ready-to-go adventure for an existing modern military campaign, or as a single-shot game, Blood of the Innocent drags your heroes kicking and screaming through the most dangerous and horrifying of war stories. Be warned... Blood of the Innocent is not for the weak of heart.

Features: 46 pages of mayhem and terror, including...
  • Detailed setting and descriptions
  • Printable area maps
  • Player characters to die for!
  • Dozens of fully developed extras & NPCs
  • Customizable character sheets
  • New monsters to battle
  • New spells and artifacts
Plus bonus 45 pages of printable extras gives you everything you need to start playing right away!
  • 38 beautiful 7x7" battlemap tiles suitable for ANY mini's game.
  • 2 pages of character tokens, featuring US troops, Vietcong, villagers and monsters!
  • Military area map.
Compatible with Tour of Darkness

Dazu die Joe Sweeney von Storyweaver auf Google+:

Woohooo! High-Space just became a Platinum best-seller on www.RPGNow.com. A huge THANK YOU to the Savage Worlds community for the support. You all rock!

I'd like to give a little something back to you all... so here it is. Our very first Savage Worlds adventure, Blood of the Innocent, set in the jungles of Vietnam. Bloody, sweaty, gaming goodness that still holds a special place in my heart for being one of the more DEADLY adventures I've ever run. People still talk about (well, curse) this module years after it ran at Australia's longest running games con. It's also the only game where a player has thrown dice at the GM, so you know it's gonna be furious!

Use this link to grab your FREE copy... but only for the next three days:


With love and much gunfire,
Joe Sweeney

Ich finde "Blood of the Innocent" wirklich gelungen - auch wenn ALLE SC-Spielwerte leider komplett nachgerechnet und überarbeitet werden müssen (Storyweaver schludert schon mächtig, was Regelkenntnis anbetrifft). Das Abenteuer paßt bestens in eine Tour-of-Darkness-Kampagne rein.
In der Dezemberausgabe der Mephisto (Nr. 55) ist neben der ein oder anderen Rezi unserer Produkte auch ordentlich Spielmaterial für Savage Worlds vertreten. Gleich zwei OneSheets haben es ins Heft geschafft. Glühen in der Nacht entführt die Helden in das viktorianische Zeitalter der Rippers und in Gestrandet dürft ihr die gnadenlose Weite der Sundered Skies erkunden. Beide Abenteuer sind übrigens exklusives deutsches Material und keine Übersetzungen. Neben den beiden Abenteuern enthält das Magazin natürlich noch viel Lesenswertes und vor allen Dingen viel Spielmaterial, bspw. für Cthulhu, Shadowrun, Spherechild, Arkham Horror etc.
Kaufen könnt ihr das Magazin übrigens direkt hier.
Viele Grüsse

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[Hellfrost] Local Customs
Model: TAG31297A
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.79 (TAG), €3.05 (DriveThruRPG)

Faith is inseparable from daily life in the eyes of the citizens of the frozen north. From major holy days celebrated across the land to minor holy days honored in just a single settlement, their calendar is awash with religious holidays. This product details 50 minor religious festivals in which characters can partake during their travels.


[Deadlands] Trail Guides Vol.1
Authors: Matthew Cutter
Page Count: 320 pages. Explorer’s Edition sized PDF (6.5″ x 9″). Full-color.
Price: €15.30 (DriveThruRPG)

Take a tour of the less-traveled Weird West with your Epitaph correspondent Phineas P. Gage for the first three Deadlands Trail Guides, now compiled into one volume for ease of reference.

In Trail Guide: South o’ the Border, visit beautiful Mexico. Bask in the sun as centuries-old hatred festers in the midst of a three-sided civil war.

In Trail Guide: Great Northwest, you’ll see the snow has its own beauty. But in this land gripped by Famine, you might give your left arm for some jerky, and that might be what it’s used for! When a war between the unnatural beasts in the woods threatens to wipe humanity from the region, will your posse be up to the challenge?

Finally, the Trail Guide: Weird White North takes you to the tundra of Alaska and British Columbia, a land locked in ice north of the amazing Winterline, a fence made by Hellstromme Industries to hold back the cold itself! But something more sinister, more malevolent than mere winter is being held in check…for now!

EachTrail Guide offers you a closer look at the people, places, and—perhaps most important—things you’ll see in each region. And don’t forget the mini-Plot Point Campaigns and Savage Tales in each, as well. You’re bound to have fun or die tryin’!

Deadlands Trail Guides, Volume 1 is not a complete game. It’s a supplement for the Deadlands Reloaded setting for the Savage Worlds game system.

Please note that this gathers three previously released Trail Guides--South o' the Border, the Great Northwest, and the Weird White North.

[Deadlands Noir] The Old Absinthe House Blues
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Artist: Cheyenne Wright
Pages: 32
Price: €7.49 (DriveThruRPG)

The new favorite songbird goes missing from the stage of the Old Absinthe House, and the owner turns to you for help. Can you find the missing dame with the velvet voice, or will the mystery remain as murky as the bayous and darkness that shroud the Big Easy? And if the goin’ gets tough, is the promise of a big bar tab enough to keep you goin’?

The Old Absinthe House Blues is the first adventure for Deadlands Noir.

[Deadlands Noir] Character Sheet Now Available

It’s time to be the bird you've always wanted to be, and there's nothing stopping you now. From flim-flam fella to femme fatale, the choice is yours—be whoever you like with the Deadlands Noir Character Sheet!
Interface Zero 2.0 Kickstarter erfolgreich!

Der Interface Zero 2.0 Kickstarter war innerhalb von 8 Stunden (!) zu 90% finanziert. Aktuell hat er nach einem Tag mit $13000 das gesteckte Ziel von $10000 übererfüllt.

[MTE] Ultimate Roman Legions Guide (Savage Worlds)
Author: Christopher J. N. Banks
Artists: BVA, Butskykh Roman, LPJ Design Image Portfolio, Public Domain
Pages: 48
Price: €2.96 (DriveThruRPG)

Few words conjure up as much grandeur and splendor as the Roman Legions. For 900 years they marched across Europe, Africa, and Asia, laying low any opposition set before them and adding vast swaths of new lands to the Republic and later the Empire. They performed this miraculous chore through superior arms and armor, remarkable training and discipline, and a tradition of unparalleled organization and pedigree.

Ultimate Roman Legions Guide is a catalog of tools of the trade utilized by the Roman Army. The legions underwent drastic changes over the years moving from seasonal, offensive citizen soldiers, to professional, garrisoned warriors; from infantry based cores to cavalry-heavy mobile units. As the scope of all the drastic changes are quite abundant, this guide focuses on the armies of the Late Republic and Early Empire, roughly from 27 BCE to 284 CE, commonly known as the Principate.

Ultimate Roman Legions Guide includes:
  • Historical equipment utilized by the Roman Legions
  • A look at the structure of the Roman Legions
  • A listing of Roman Emperors
  • A comprehensive timeline of Roman battles during the Principate
  • New Character Options for making a Legionary
  • Savage Tales
  • … and more!
Ultimate Roman Legions Guide is your source for building Legionaries like those of history, or building the foundations of a historical or alternate history game set during the Principate.
Die Probefahrt sind die Schnellstartregeln für Savage Worlds. Bislang lag das Einsteigerheft nur in der alten Regelversion vor. Ab heute jedoch, könnt ihr euch das PDF der überarbeiteten Probefahrt Genleman’s Revised Edition in unserem Downloadbereich herunterladen. So könnt ihr schnell und kostengünstig in Savage Worlds reinschnuppern.
Die Probefahrt enthält neben den grundlegenden Regeln auch vorgefertigte Charaktere und ein neues Fantasyabenteuer um direkt los spielen zu können. Das PDF verfügt übrigens über verschiedene Ebenen, damit ihr die Texte kostengünstig ausdrücken könnt.
Viel Spass damit!
Ach ja, zum GRT wird die Probefahrt dann auch wieder in gedruckter Form vorliegen.

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[Suzerain] Quantum Sliders: Krishna's Riddle
Authors: Zach Welhouse (words), G'Andy (rules), Richard Balsley (rules)
Artist: Chris Bivins, Bien Flores, Jason Engle, Avery Liell-Kok, Carly Sorge
Pages: 19
Price: €3.00 (DriveThruRPG)

The great god Krishna is at it again! He once set a riddle to a mortal, and now has to go back and see if her descendant has the answer. If so, he will grant her wonders beyond earthly power. Unfortunately, he’s forgotten the riddle.


Krishna’s riddle is a scenario for Heroic rank Savage Worlds* characters, part of our Quantum sliders range of adventures that’ll take your gaming group to new and exciting points in time and space, or to versions of reality that exist just over the horizon (or beyond).

[MTE] Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Byzantine Empire
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Artists: Andrew DeFelice, Iamnao, Ensuper, Public Domain
Pages: 27
Price: €2.22 (DriveThruRPG)

From the ashes of the Roman Empire rises the new Eastern Roman Empire, centered on the lands formerly called Byzantium. The Byzantine Empire rose to power after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and established a solid foothold in the collection of nations during the Dark Ages. As a trade and economic powerhouse, the Byzantine Empire was a target to all who surrounded it.

Welcome to the third FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING NATION GUIDE, a series of mini-sourcebooks detailing the different nations during the Dark Ages. Each Nation Guide depicts historical information alongside that of mythology, folklore, speculation, and fiction for the purpose of providing additional content for your adventures and campaigns. This third Nation Guide details the Byzantine Empire located in modern day Greece and Turkey.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Byzantine Empire includes:
  • A look at the Orthodox Christianity religion.
  • A Gazetteer listing the Byzantine themes and cities.
  • A look at the Byzantine aristocracy and bureaucracy.
  • Alternate history adventure hooks.
  • A 700-year timeline of historical events.
  • New Hindrances and Edges.
  • 5 new creatures from Byzantium folklore.
  • ... and more!
FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING is a Dark Ages, historical fantasy mythology plot point setting for Savage Worlds where united lords have brought the world’s warriors together to prevent the armies of chaos from enslaving their people.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Byzantine Empire is not a stand-alone game and requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook. Although designed to be used in conjunction with the Faith & Demons: The Rising core setting guide, the source material can be with used any Savage Worlds product.

[Fan Conversion] Expanded Vehicle Conversions and Creations

Have you ever wanted a hand converting a real vehicle into Savage Worlds stats? Savage fan Chad “Vinzent” Jones has put together the Savage Worlds Vehicle Conversion & Creation PDF just for you!

Working under the Savage Fan License, he’s assembled an updated document compatible with the Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition vehicle rules to clarify how Pinnacle designers arrived at the values in the rule books and help GMs convert or create their own vehicles. From Model Ts to Starcruisers from a galaxy far, far away, this handy little reference has you covered.

While you’re at it, be sure to check out the rest of our free downloads for other resources like game references, character sheets, paper minis, and more!
Seit gut einem Jahr arbeiten wir mit einem kleinen und hoch motivierten Demoteam daran unsere Spiele auf Messen, Conventions, in Läden, Buchhandlungen, Jugenzentren etc. bekannter zu machen aber so langsam übersteigen die Anfragen unsere Kapazitäten. Sind wir auf einer Messe vor Ort, haben wir regelmässig mehr potentielle Spieler am Stand als Spielleiter zur Hand und auch die Anfragen von Cons und Läden nach Spielleitern übersteigen derzeit unsere titanischen Kräfte. Wir brauchen also ganz dringend ein grösseres Demoteam und damit deine Hilfe!
Wenn du mit Leib und Seele Rollenspieler bist, dabei unsere Produkte genauso innig liebst wie wir und darüber hinaus auch noch gerne Spielrunden auf Messen und Cons etc. anbietest, schau dir einfach mal unseren Demoteam-Bereich an. Wir haben die Seite und das Regelsystem für Demogeber gründlich überarbeitet und vereinfacht. Eine Neuerung ist bspw. das spezielle Kontaktformular, mit dem du dich ganz bequem für das Demoteam bewerben kannst. Leg los! Wir warten auf dich!

Viele Grüsse

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[Smiling Jack’s Bar & Grill] Episode 17: Hello Goodbye

After nearly seven years of podcasting, Ron & Veronica have decided to call it quits. In this episode, they pass the torch to Justin and the Savage Mommy. Also, they talk about Savage Worlds, some new products, and the upcoming GenghisCon.

[Obatron Productions] Tunse'al Setting Guide *Savage Worlds*
Authors: Vickey A. Beaver, Robert L. Beaver
Artists: Alessandro Alia, Svenja Liv, Lucas Pandolfelli, Joshua Pinkas, Joe Shawcross
Pages: 102
Price: €14.79 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is Tunse'al Setting Guide for Savage Worlds. There is a second version (Systemless) with tables to help you translate the setting information to whatever system you choose. Systemless and Savage Worlds versions of Tunse'al Setting Guide and supplemental materials will be released simultaneously.

Play in a world where technology is slow to advance, tribes are divided by great geographical expanses, trade is fraught with peril, dinosuar-like beasts co-exist with people, and the very environment poses danger to your party. Tunse'al is a tribal, fantasy setting with four playable races that are outside the norm.

The swamp-dwelling Kresh are an amphibious, genderless race committed to ensuring their sacred land, The Wetlands, and as much of Tunse'al as they can protect is safe from greedy destruction. The cold-enduring Gelid use their pathfinding ways throughout the long stretches of the Baarek Mountains to explore and make peace wherever possible. The towering, red-skinned, two-horned Korrin pursue all things with passion in their free-form society of The Footlands where families don't conform to any set parameters. The thick-skinned, nomadic Gales with eyes resembling a snake's wander The Drylands in search of desert gems, tar, and other commodities no one else would have any hope obtaining.

The Skin Eaters of The Dreamlands round out the dominant races, although they are only at the GM's disposal. They are the treacherous, twisted cousins to the Kresh. In her madness, their creator, Sa'ra, decided to pay back her brothers for an earlier wrong, making the Skin Eaters dependent upon others' skins in order to live. They are not mindless, but no tribe trusts them as historical attempts to have a respectable relationship have always ended in bloodshed. Then there is the prophecy that they will one day convert the Kresh to their cause to conquer the other Tunse'als in honor of Sa'ra's predicted awakening. That hasn't helped anyone want to sign-up to be there best friends.

This PDF contains a wide array of world information, Racial Background Edges, new Hindrances specific to Tunse'al, a guide to beasts and fae, ten pre-generated characters, a map, and a blank character sheet. The character sheet may be printed as needed for your table's use. There is no plot point campaign. There are supplements scheduled if you enjoy the advantages of just grabbing pre-made adventures.
Die Arbeiten an den für Sommer geplanten Hellfrostbänden gehen gut voran. Das Spielerhandbuch ist seit Kurzem im Layout, das Weltenbuch befindet sich im Lektorat und der Monsterband wartet auch schon auf uns.
Nebenbei vergessen wir natürlich weder die angekündigten Abenteuer noch die Freebies. Daher gibt es heute das nächste kostenlose One Sheet in unserem Downloadbereich. In Stein der Erinnerungen erforschen die Helden auf der Suche nach einem mysteriösen Artefakt die dunklen Geheimnisse einer uralten Tempelruine.
Das Abenteuer findet ihr hier.
Falls jemand Hellfrost noch nicht kennt, findet ihr auf unserer Produktseite mehr Informationen dazu.

Bleibt savage!

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