Racial Holy War RPG

Okay, DAS kannte ich auch noch nicht.
Ich glaube viel verpasst habe ich auch nicht.

whatever, auf jeden Fall werd' ich das Geühl nicht los, was Illegales zu lesen.
Nein, das ist kein Scherz.

Ich kannte das Spiel vorher schon (bzw. mir war die Existenz bewußt), aber alleine der Name reicht(e) schon, um zu wissen, daß ich es mir nicht anschauen muß. Das überlasse ich unseren arischen Errettern, mit den Bierbäuchen und dem IQ der Temperatur ihrer Bierflaschen.
Okay... über die "Worst RPGs Ever" Seite bin ich bei Wraeththu gelandet. Genauer genommen bei einem Review des Systems.

Ich zitiere mal:
And then there’s some advice on LARPing that may be some of the worst advice ever issued: Specifically, the author mentions that you can buy BB pistols from various hobby stores in order to use them within a LARP. Actually, wait – at the next con that you’ll go to, you’ll be able to tell who the Wraeththu fans are, because they’ll all have at least one eye missing. Future editions of Wraeththu will come with an eyepatch taped into the back cover.
Das war brachte mich schon zum schmunzeln.

The book actually lays out how the GM is supposed to gradually get the players verbally having sex with each other over the table, using their characters as proxies. Like, imagine phoning your best buddy and talking him off while pretending to be a woman, and he’s into it, too, and you have a rough idea of what Strange is proposing here. Imagine that as a selling point for the game. “Phone up your friend and sex-talk him into an orgasm while pretending to be a hermaphroditic bishonen! Then shoot him in the eye with a BB gun that was supposed to be unloaded!” Oh, and later, once you’re all finished bleeding from your eyesockets and have fully gotten used to describing your flower-penis fantasy to your friend, you get to role-play raping a human and ejaculating acid into his colon!

Herrlich. Ich habe immer noch Lachtränen in den Augen :D
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