Cyberpunk 2020 Hooray Pink Tie Cyberpunk! Beep Beep Boop!


t. Sgeyerog :DDDDD
10. September 2003
Der Blogeintrag auf Defending CP2020 cyberpunk2020 hat mich zu diesem Thread angestoßen.

Dort geht es um die Lösung der Veraltungsproblems von CP2020, und meine Lösung ist selbstverfreilich die erste:
1. Ignore the problem. Hey, to err is human. To ignore is divine. You can just say that Cyberpunk 2020 follows a timeline that may have been our own up until nineteen80something. But which went another way since then. This way you can just stick with the oversized mobile phones and the huge “computer in a suitcase” stuff from CP2020. Our world went iPod. CP2020 went Cyber. Deal with it – by not dealing with it.

Diese Methode wird von keinem geringerem als Doc Rotwang approviert:
Dr Rotwang! schrieb:
I do weird things with cyberpunk.

For one, my vision of a cyberpunk setting is inextricably attached to the decade which spawned the genre: the 1980s. My cyberpunk future is 1985's cyberpunk future, a Thompson Twins video shot on the Blade Runner set.

Also, I really like to play up the "punk" in "cyberpunk". Not so much the nihilism, but the down-and-dirty blood-sweat-and-tears human condition.

Then, I go and muck it all up by dragging out morals and ethics. In other words, what makes you human under all that neon and plastic and myoelectric cables and junk? Can you face that? Can you live up to it? Can you handle being empathetic, or are you just gonna chuck all that away?

Add ample New Wave music, crazy haircuts, blazing guns, treachery, intrigue, neon, nightclubs, Gibsonian cyberspace, colorful NPCs, funny nicknames, trenchcoats, 80's pop culture references and jokes about a show called "Basdassatron 9000", and you're in Pink Tie Cyberpunk. BEEP BEEP BOOP!

Dazu bleibt mir nur noch zu sagen: Hooray Pink Tie Cyberpunk! BEEP BEEP BOOP!

Musste einfach mal gesagt werden, gerade wo Threads über "notwendige" Aktualisierung von CP2020 wieder nach oben schießen. Hier ist der Thread um einfach mal kritikfrei die Gleichung "New-Wave-Musik + verrückte Frisuren + röhrende Knarren + Verrat + Intrige + Neon + Nachtclubs + Gibson'scher Cyberspace + bunte NSCs + lustige Spitznamen + Trenchcoats + 80er-Popkulturreferenzen + Witze über eine Sendung namens "Badassatron 9000" + CP2020 = Awesome!!!!" abzufeiern :banane:
AW: Hooray Pink Tie Cyberpunk! Beep Beep Boop!

You can just say that Cyberpunk 2020 follows a timeline that may have been our own up until nineteen80something. But which went another way since then. This way you can just stick with the oversized mobile phones and the huge “computer in a suitcase” stuff from CP2020. Our world went iPod. CP2020 went Cyber. Deal with it – by not dealing with it.
Soweit mir bekannt ist, sieht Games In das genau so.
AW: Hooray Pink Tie Cyberpunk! Beep Beep Boop!

CP2020 muss man nicht aktualisieren, ja.
Cyberpunk als Genre allerdings macht mit aktualisierter Zukunftsmusik deutlich mehr Freude.
AW: Hooray Pink Tie Cyberpunk! Beep Beep Boop!

Gibt's bestimmt. Im altcult der Skyrox (hervorgegangen aus dem Poser Movement) bestimmt
*hecht in Deckung* :)
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