


Kleiner Geheimtipp für die Freunde der etwas härteren Gangart.
Der vielleicht bisher härteste & beste Slashermovie den ich je gesehen hab (und das waren einige).

Leider in Deutschland aufm Index. Aber auf Umwegen in der französischen Originalversion mit recht ordentlichen deutschen Untertiteln erhältlich.

Produziert von Luc Besson. :cool:

Beschreibung mit kleinen Spoilern:

After riots break out in France following the election of an extreme right wing government, a group of young people from Paris head to the Netherlands to escape the violence. While near the boarder with Luxembourg they stumble across a hostel run by a tight nit French family. However, the family is really a band of neo-Nazis with both a thirst for blood and a desire to find a woman to continue their line. They find they can satisfy both their needs with the young people.

Alright, let's make one thing perfectly clear; "Frontier(s)" is a rip off of "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" with a good bit of "Hostel" thrown in. That doesn't mean it's a bad movie though as "Frontier(s)" is a great and bloody example of balls to the walls Horror film-making. The violence in "Frontier(s)" is sure to satisfy Horror fans. We get an Achilles' tendon cutting, a table saw to the chest, multiple gunshots, hanging by hooks and even a good burning. The violence is not merely bloody, but also pretty effective and downright hard to watch at times. This also features some solid performances and a well written script as well. I also dug the sets and found the direction to be very well paced. Furthermore, "Frontier(s)" has a nice and creepy score. I also enjoyed that this film does not beat the audience over the head with its political subtext, which is pretty subdued considering the plot. It's there, but some of this movie's major influences like "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" and "Hostel" are even more political. But for all this praising I'm pouring out upon "Frontier(s)" it's important to remember this film does have a few flaws. First off, although for the most part it didn't bother me the quick edits got on my nerves a few times and personally I thought undermined a bit of the tension. Also, in a move that is very surprising for a French film, this has no nudity. It does have one "sex scene" (sort of), but the women keep their bras on (at least they make out with each other a bit). I've come to expect this with most Hollywood films, but France? Regardless of those faults though, "Frontier(s)" is still a solid and very enjoyable film. It's not a good as last year's other big French Horror film "Inside". But it is still well worth watching. I'm so glad Euro-Horror is finally making a comeback after staying dormant for so long, and it pleases me that a film like "Frontier(s)" is part of this trend.

Quelle: imdb
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