Einführung in Werwolf die Apokalypse, englisch


9. April 2004
[edit: vergessen wir bitte nicht, das es sich hierbei um ein deutsches forumhandelt, was es unter meiner moderation auch bleiben wird. deswegen ist diese englische vorstellung zweitrangig
mfg doom]

Ok, da ich ja hier nich nur "Meckern will" hab jetzt mal nach einer guten Einführung zu Werwolf gesucht und bin fündig geworden, der folgende Text stammt vom DigitalRaven und wurde auf der White-Wolf.com Page im Forum gepostet.

Subject: Newbie Retards
DigitalRaven - 04/01/2004 18:01:53 - digital_raven@hotmail.com

Right. here's my stock introduction to Werewolf. It's written for a
newcomer to roleplaying, but those bits are still funny.


What is Werewolf? Good bloody question, that's for sure.
Let's see how much detail I can cram into the old 10K
characters. Should be an exam question, "Describe the
roleplaying game Werewolf: The Apocalypse in 2000 words."
I'll bite.

This thing right here that we are posting on is a
discussion board for Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Werewolf is
a roleplaying game. Not like most computer roleplaying
games, where you wander round, solve puzzles, talk to
people and beat the snot out of things as the computer
demands, Werewolf is a tabletop RPG. What you need to play
are some ten-sided dice, some friends, and a copy of the

Werewolf, like just about all of the Tabletop (TT) RPG's
since back in the days of Dungeons and Dragons and
Traveller, is played by sitting around a table or wherever
with a metric assload of dice, enough drink to sink the
Titanic[1], enough food to rebuild the damn thing and if
you smoke, enough cigarettes to fumigate a medium-sized
block of flats[2]. One of the people sitting around, usually
the one to have bought the most books, runs the game. Other
game systems call this bloke the GameMaster, Referee, God
or whatever. In Werewolf, the guy is known as the
Storyteller, or ST. His job is to pick through the assloads
of books available for Werewolf, decide what he wants to
use in particular, and to come up with the framework of a
story he wants to tell. The players jobs is to pick through
the assloads of books that they have access to and to make
a character that takes part in this story. The players and
ST work together to create a story that none of them knows
the ending of. When this works well, it can be as good as

Werewolf focuses on characters who are (as the title
implies) Werewolves. Rather than being the furry beasts of
legend that change into wolves or man-wolves or whatever
every full moon, the werewolves of this world are
intelligent creatures with their own society close to, but
normally apart from, that of humans. These werewolves call
themselves Garou[4], and they inhabit a dark reflection of
our own world, the World of Darkness.

The World of Darkness is much like our world. The same CD's
are in the charts[5], the same politicians make a mockery
of what was once the simple farce of politics, the same
beer is served in the pubs and the same cigarettes are
advertised to children[6]. Thing is, the World of Darkness
is just that bit worse than our world. There are more
environmental disasters, though the same amount get
reported to a public who couldn't care. Children and
spouses are abused more. Violence is on the rise in city
centres as gangs start out of control rampages. The Garou
blame most of this on a creature they call the Wyrm.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. The Garou have their own
culture, based upon the idea of Tribe. Each Tribe has a
patron spirit that embodies all that the Tribe aspires to
be, and all of these spirits are below Gaia. Within the
culture, five Auspices perform the duties granted to them
by Luna, the spirit of the moon. And even birth plays a
part as the wolf-born Lupus and human-born Homid try to
work together. The Metis, deformed offspring of two Garou
mating, try as best they can to fit into a society that
mostly shuns and hates them. All Garou work to save Gaia,
the spirit of the Earth and mother to all Garou. Before
this starts sounding like pseudo-New Age bullshit, you must
realise one thing: The Garou believe all of this because
they have proof.

Each Garou is born with the ability to enter the spirit
world, the Umbra. Here lies a spiritual reflection of the
planet and much more besides. The spirits of electricity
scream through wires; Lunes, spirit children of the moon,
flit about as their mother influences them. This is as
physically real to the Garou as anything is to us. The
Garou believe in Gaia because they can stand in Her
presence. The other spirit to be revered by Garou is Luna,
the spirit of the moon, that gives them their superhuman
Rage. The essence of the spirits that empowers the Garou is
called Gnosis.

Spirits are concepts made true. The three greatest concepts
are Creation, Stasis and Balance. Creation, envisioned by
the Garou as the Wyld, seeks to make things, change things
in unpredictable ways and make more things. Stasis, the
Weaver to the Garou, traps that which the Wyld made,
moulding it into forms that stayed the same. Balance, known
to some as Entropy and the Garou as the Wyrm, used to make
sure that neither side got the upper hand, by destroying
that which had no form and that which never changed. A long
time ago, however, the Wyrm became trapped in the webs of
the Weaver. Thrashing about, trying to free himself, the
Wyrm only became more enmeshed. Over time, this drive the
cosmic Triat of Wyrm, Weaver and Wyld out of balance. The
Wyrm, now the essence of Corruption spews it's toxic bile
into the world, prying on abusers and the abused. The
Weaver strains madly to enmesh all of Reality in her static
web. The Wyld is dying as the others surge on without it.
And the Garou are trapped in the middle of all this.

The Wyrm is out to corrupt the world. Are you going to sit
back and let it? The Garou believe it to be the enemy.
Their enemy. And so they fight to save a dying world from
corruption. A foolish battle? Maybe. But by Gaia would you
rather just quit? Where's your backbone!

There ya go, that's Werewolf: The Apocalypse in a nutshell.
I missed out a lot of things, I know. One thing I will add
is that online gaming requires you to know more, and can
seriously warp your view of the game. If at all possible,
try to get a group of friends and play round one of your
houses. If not possible, let me know and I shall see about
setting you up with a small group of people that'll help
you learn the game.

Raven without a cause

[1]Alcoholic or not is up to you.
[2]Tat's appartments to Americans and all others who misuse
the English language :)
[3]Goddess help me, I almost typed 'better than'.
[4]Which is a good thing as typing the word 'Werewolf' so
much is pissing me off.
[5]Even if we wish they weren't.
[6]The bastards never let me quit.


Was haltet ihr davon? :)
Feedback zur einführung

da engelschnetzler darum gebeten hat poste ich das nun hier, da ichs in der einführung eher unpassend finde.
hier könnten ja vielleicht eventuell noch mehr verbesserungsvorschläge und eigene fassungen vorgestellt werden ;)

num zu der version von engelschnetzler:
vielleicht ja besser, nur das problem das jemand der des englischs nicht mächtig genug ist hier wohl nicht allzuviel verstehen dürfte.
da dieser text für einsteiger gedacht ist, wirkt er vielleicht etwas abschreckend auf leute die eventuell mit werwolf anfangen wollen, ohne englisch zu können. ansonsten ein schöner text, aber nicht umbedingt eine bessere alternative.
Re: Feedback zur einführung

Klar könnt ihr eure eigenen Fassungen vorstellen. Eine fremde von einer anderen Seite könnten wir verständlicherweise eh nicht als unsere Einführung nehmen. Wäre dann doch etwas dreist.

Also immer her mit Vorschlägen.
Re: Feedback zur einführung

hab schon ne pm geschreibt aba will hier nochma drauf hinweisen das die links im thread netmehr funzen...

cYa ^^
Ein Thema dazu reicht, das muss nicht aufgeteilt werden. Schlieslich hat er den Thread geschrieben und zur Diskusion aufgerufen.

Ob ich oben den Text weiterhin stehen lasse überlege ich mir noch, aber ich tendiere dazu Ihn zu löschen.
Mangelnde Quellenangabe
Unerlaubtes Zitieren

Ich sehe es auch nicht gerne wenn unsere Einführungen in anderen Foren kopiert werden ohne vernünftige Quellenangabe, also kann ich es auch nicht dulden wenn hier jemand so etwas macht. Es ist einfach unfair dem Verfasser gegenüber.
hab nochmal nachgeschaut und funzen alle perfeckt :D vielen dank, ist wirklich ne grosse hilfe zum einstieg :)
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